Marilyn's last

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"NO!" He screamed. They were taking her! They hadn't held up their end of the deal. Losing control, panicking, he shoved his way past the detectives and to the shore of the dangerous water.

"Manson!"(There are still some people that call him that) sargeant Cole grabbed him by the arm, "Don't interfere, you'll get yourself killed!"

He was standing on the ice, the surface cracking beneath his shoes. Cole was the one lifeline that kept him balanced. "Get me in a god damed boat I have to-"

"If you're thinking of-"

Brian advanced, shoving the sargeant to the wet dirt, where he propped himself up, surprised. "Damn you! Shut the fuck up and do something! Help her! Save Alice or she'll die!"

The staff sargeant paused, his breath swirled around his head in a white cloud of fog. He agreed in silence. He stood to face his officers, not bothering to brush the soaking stains of dirt off of his overcoat "Men. Ready some lifeboats. We're going in."

Then they heard it.

The officers moved in a blur, readying rescue gear. Brian whirled around when he heard the noise.

A man-and Alice- were screaming.

The black building set high above the horizon of the deathly waters was still, but the inside was clammering with sound. There were thuds, distant beating, hammering, and struggling sounds. Then the man screamed. It was quiet.

Brian swallowed, suddenly feverish. His hair was plastered to his skull in nervous sweat. The desperate hands clutched infront of him were ice cold and white. His stomach was in a knot- his heart, once again, lay still with sickness in his aching ribs.

CRASH. Glass from a window on the right side of the factory exploded- they had knocked a chair out of the window and it hurdled to the waters with horrific speed.

The chair screamed.

"No. . ." Brian whispered, his romantically dark eyes widening to full horror. It was Alice.

He saw her hit the white, solid surface of the ice with a sickening sound. THWACK. She was still, apparently broken. Then her limp body slipped zombie-like into the newly broken water, where the last signs of her disappeared in the blackness.


Half-madly, he bounded into a humming rescue boat, it's bow lying flat against the water, and sped off anxiously with the police officers into the sea. They approached the site, Brian was prepared to dive in. Cole sensed this, and forced him back with a firm reproaching arm. Three officers held Brian back by his arms.

To the right of the boat was a human-sized hole. Straight down was black, moving water. There were few air bubbles floating to the top to greet them. Each man was shakened to find such a large amount of warm crimson blood staining the virgin-white ice.

"Is the CIU ready?" Cole said, sucking back the feeling of vomit. He faced the CIU team, who had little more than wetsuits and snorkels on their person. They nodded. "God's speed."

One by one, three grown men dove in after her.

The water was still once more. Brian knew this lake, though he never had been in it, he knew it became very deep really quickly. And there was always a current. Alice could be just shy of half a mile away from where the small boat stood bobbing in the water.

One head came up. Gasping. "Negative sargeant, I have nothing."

Brian groweled, clenching his teeth. His dentist, he foolishly recalled, advised against that at all times. "Look again." He said, venom in his words.

If Marilyn Manson had 3 Days to live. . .Where stories live. Discover now