St!cky Finger, Sweet teeth

576 22 4

Y'all best be reading in a British accent, ya hear? I know you can do it!

It makes it THAT much more fun!

(Is it just me or does the text get randomly bigger?)


Little. Very Little. Yes. Perfect amount.

The canvas reeked of the sweet tickling paint, the smell of rain-washed tires. It took my breath away. The color, on the other hand, if I may be narcassistic, was glowing. The prince's lean figure in his glistening RAF uniform with glittering metals on his bosom was a beacon of majesty next to his bride, Kate, in her stunning evening gown that gave humanity to the portrait.

I made the familiar motions of strokes onto the figures with my white color. The perfect amount.

"You look wonderful, your majesties." I said, trying to swipe the red paint off of my cheeck (and I KNEW it was there!!)

"You're doing a fantastic job, my dear." said the prince. He was amazing at standing still. I really appreciated it.

"Alice, you have been painting for fifty minutes straight, would you like a respite for a cool drink of water, perhaps tea?" Kate asked.

"I . . ." oh shit, how did you accept an invitation to tea with royalty? I plastered my smile on my face, trying to recall as many Sherlock Holmes, American Girl, Shakespearian, Roger and Hammerstein examples of etiquette as I could in less than a second. ". . .need to pee."

Did I say that?

"Oh, well, in that case," she turned to a lady that waited on the sofa, reading a magazene, "Sage, dear, would you show the artist to the loo?"

"Yes, your majesty."

We exited. Buckingham palace was its own meuseum. Each wall stretched on forever in golden-ridged alleys and portraiture hung there waiting to be stared at and loved. I loved them all.

I blushed.

"Sage- may I call you Sage?"


"I'm an idiot aren't I?"

"Oh you're so funny! You just relax, I can understand your position, young lady. It must be so much pressure to act orderly in front of someone of their social stature."

"You read me like a book."

"Try this exercise: denounce the size of the social caste of the prince and princess by imagining them as two people you are comfortable around."

"That doesn't help," I said, pushing open the door of the restroom, it was the size of a front room of a house. Five separate doors that lead into little rooms with all of the appliances in it. "I'm not comfortable around anybody, I'm kind of a widow. Artists are usually like that- at least in America."

"Okay- of the two, who are you most threatened by? Who makes you the most nervous?"

"Neither. . . I'm just. . .distracted."

I proceded to wash my hands. I looked at my reflection, I thought, for a second, that Brian was looking back at me. Blinking, I found that I was staring at the line of red on my cheek. I scratched it off with watered-down fingers.

I was distracted. By him. Could this still mean. . . after all of this?

Alice?" said Sage.

I wasn't myself without. . .him. Did I love him? Or did he love me so much that I couldn't see my ambitions so clearly anymore? Did I make a mistake. . .where? Coming or going? Am I in the process of forever remembering him or beginning to let go of him?

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