Tui La, Blood and Pain

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  • Dedicated to HalloweenGirl_13,PerfectlyCrazy,SarahBethDavies,MelliBunny,NinjetteAngel,ZanniaM

Hold your breath


 I was moaning. A feeling of death creeping into the numb regions of my body. My fingers felt asleep, the ropes I was in were too tight around my wrists and I'm sure that if I could see them, they'd be blue. My feet and legs ached and remained curled under me, supporting me from the wet unforgiving floor. My stomach growled, I was starving but I knew I couldn't let food bother me at a time like this.

There was fluid leaking steadily out of my vagina, I shivered. It was definitely Jakob's. I was sitting in post-sex grossness.

Death wants me. I won't let it take me. Not yet.

I was hunched over, staring at the ground and refusing to look at the body. I betrayed myself once and discovered that it was another girl. Her body must have been here for weeks, it seemed. The region from her left eye to her ear was missing, exposing the brain.

I wouldn't let that be me.

What could I do? Kyusho jitsu was useless without the use of my arms. I was really helpless. And Jakob said that midnight tonight was my *curtain call. How could I defend myself?

Even if I had no way, I still had to.

I heard someone coming. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't ready-

but something inside was boiling. And I became giddy. My mind almost stopping.


Brian sped out of the bank parking lot at 11:46pm- less than a quarter to midnight. For Alice's sake, he would go through the exchange and the financial stress, if it only meant to bring her back safely. Staff sargeant Cole was in the passenger seat and a procession of police cars trailed behind the sports car.

His right hand rotated the steering wheel, in his left, he clutched the small black ring that symoblized their love, holding it closely to his chest.

"Mr. Warner, I have the detective here on the police scanner, listen closely to his directions, he'll get you throught this." The man gingerly tuned the portable scanner and allowed the transmission to go through.

". . ." it buzzed, the red light turning on, "Mr. Warner, listen close. I'm about five police cars back from where you are. Get to the dock and remain in the car, we'll use a CIU deputy to try and pursuade them to release Alice to us from a safe distance.

  The building is set in the harbor on high beams almost twentyfive feet from water-level. The place is an old game-and-fish processing plant. It could be unstable and dangerous to approach, not to mention if they have firearms- they could have a good advantage over us."

Brian heard him. He thought little of what it meant. The ring continued to turn in circles between his busy fingers. Jaw tight, he looked straight ahead, eager to get to her.

"Got it." he said slowly. The pier was nearly a minute away. The procession of cars screamed alongside a black shore of icy water. A thin sheet of fresh ice blanketed over the water, encasing the sea.


I was still listening. All of the noises that came from the other side of the closet door had ceased. But then I heard them:

police sirens.

"Jakob!" One of the kidnappers said.

The sirens grew close, they were within proximidy of the building. I was found!

I heard a megaphone-enhanced voice announce to us from the outside:

"I'm from the CIU, we've come to negotiate."

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