Sleepy Hollow

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I didn't want this to be goodbye. I think it was. Brian is too drunk to drive and it'd be irresposible to take him out of his house in this state. I was still straddled on him, kissing him, the gin in his breath leaked into my lungs. I felt kind of tipsy.

"I love you." he said, sucking in.

"No you don't."

"If I knew how, I think I would love you. I can be a very good person, you know. If I wanted to be. I don't need someone to love me."

"Someone does, though." I kissed his lips one last time and then slid off of him. I began to walk away, short and sweet, until I was surprised by the sound of a bottle clanking. He drank half an entire whisky before I marched over and ripped it away.

He lurched over, bent at the waist, miserably sobbing. "I failed all of my marriages!"

I sat down, my hand stroking his spine. I couldn't give much support on this one, I couldn't relate to that- never being married and all.

"It doesn't mean anything, Brian."

"It HAS TO! What the hell is wrong with me?!" He screamed the rockstar scream. I was starting to get used to this. It was a usual thing. He screamed until he coughed out a small sound. His throat was tired.

"Listen. I may be the last person that you want to hear this from, but you're the worthiest person of love that ever has lived. I swear it."

"I won't allow you to think that way. You're new to this world- love -you cannot make assumtions so easily."

I didn't know what to say, he was very wise and very old. He knew more than I. I nodded, looking down. He gained his full height when he stood up, his lips pressed against my forehead. Stunned, I looked up.

"That," said he, explaining, "was from your mentor this time. A friendly kiss. He is telling to move on, and don't look back."

"I-" I gulped, he was looking deeply into my eyes. He was telling me not to make any more mistakes. "I won't forget you."


 The plane touched down in Great Britain before I was awake, the events of the night before had tired me out. Changing into a sweater and jeans for the trip in the bathroom was a challenge too- I knocked my head against the sink and the bump I got had given me hell when I purposely tried to sleep. I knocked out around 5:00am. Anyway, I was here.

There WAS a place on earth more rainy than Scotland!

A limo kicked a cold wave of freezing water onto the curb before reaching me. I stood there with my easel, an umbrella, and the instructions. There were two red-white-and-blue flags on the hood.

The driver was nice, his accent was far more easy to understand than a Scottish man's. Everyone in America can understand a British tongue. 

But he was no Berkely.:(

My phone hummed in my pocket.

Unknown number. I deleted the alert.

"Ms. Madden," said the driver in the front seat.

I was at attention, my eyes finding the window almost on comand.

"Buckingham palace on your left, approaching timely."


 They nodded to eachother, Jakob turning the key. He and his partners knew they had to keep her quiet when they got their hands on her. Marley popped the cork off the chloroform and readied the rag.

"Go." said Marley.

Alice Madden's room was empty. Shit. She must've heard them outside, maybe she was hiding. They dispursed and searched. Jakob had visited hundreds of these copies of this very room in the entire hotel over the years that he had worked as the Door Man; he knew there were only five places in the entire room to hide.

Under the bed: empty.

In the window curtains: empty.

Under the bathroom sink: empty.

The grooves between the counter and the mini bar: empty.

The walk in closet: empty.

Only her clothes remained in their respective places on hangers and in a large suitcase. Her clothes. . .

"Jakob." Said Rodrick, grabbing his shirt and shoving him into the wall. His head thudded hard against the white and made a huge sound. "Where is the girl? She's not in here."

"Rick, give me a break, I told you she's here. I wouldn't lie. I need the money as much as you do."

Their faces were closer together, Rodrick's yellow teeth spewing sewer-breath into Jakob's nervous face. "The only person you'll be lying to is Satan when he begins your thousand-lifetime sodomy. I'll kill you if this doesn't work out."

"I'll talk to the receptionist, maybe the girl went for a walk."

Jakob got off the elevator in the lobby; straightening his reddish uniform to not expose the previous assault upstairs. He walked up to Michelle, the young receptionist.

"Michelle, can I see the sign in please?"

He searched the list of M names; Madden was still checked in.

"Are you looking for Alice?"

Alice. Her first name was Alice. It was so sexy. . .

"Uhm. Yes. Did she leave?"

"That nice girl's got a mission to do in Great Britain. She'll be back here in three days. I told her I'd take care of her things while she stayed at the royal palace- they have some weird policy about having too much luggage."

He pondered this, setting down the ledger. "Thanks."

He walked sluggishly back to his abusive commrades. Delivered the news. Alice Madden, their fortune, would have to wait. 


My, my. . . .like the eternal clock I've been winding myself into my own demise. I've auditioned and landed a role in a new performance but I'm more distracted and stressed than ever!

Today was thee first day in many days that I leaned back with my hands clasped behind my head and just said "fuck it. . .I'm going back to wattpad!"

You know what?

Hey wattpad! I love you! :D -Toxicity 

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