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dear john,

i saw you this morning.

i promise i didn't break your trust, or do it on purpose. i just had to meet taehyung before school to ask him about the test we had first period and you happened to be at my locker at the time, putting your note in trough one of the little cracks. i only saw you from the back, i quickly looked away after seeing for a second, and before i turned around again, you were gone already.

i don't know why but even though i really wanted to meet you i felt really nervous about you being so close. i felt anxious and kind of guilty that i saw you, even though it wasn't my fault.

i couldn't help but memorize the short moment though.

you have wavy, dark hair. its kind of messy and cute and if its as long as it is in the back, than it should cover your forehead.

you're also really tall. well, not really tall, you're just taller than me, so you feel really tall. i'm not that short am i? i'm really into tall boys, though. just if you were wondering ;)

you look like you give the best type of hugs. i hate when people give weak hugs. i guess it's just my pet peeve because i'm a big hugger and i feel like i can judge a person by the way they hug. you look like someone who would give the best type of hugs. you know, the type to wrap arms around you and pull you closer, and you get lost in their scent for a second. the type to make you feel sad when you let go.

i'd really like for you to hug me.

also, do you work out? i swear i'm over-analyzing the short second that i saw you, but i could have sworn you looked pretty muscular, even in the baggy hoodie you were wearing. not to be offensive but you look pretty strong for someone who got bullied. i guess i just imagined you differently. i always thought you were this smoll and cute little boy, i guess.

i was really wrong.

i don't mind it though.

i also can't help but notice that you didn't use my phone number. please do. you can keep putting your notes in my locker if you want. i just really want to talk to you more.

jimin :)

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