Chapter 6: Express

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"I'M IN LOVE WITH THE SHAPE OF YOU...WE PUSH AND PULL LIKE A MAGNET DO... ALTHOUGH MY HEART IS FALLING TOO...I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR BODY..." My phone sings, and although this is my favorite song (still!), I groan and turn it off. You know, this might not be the way you want to wake up.

My phone rings again and this time I sigh and place it on my ears.

"He..lllo.." I am barely audible.

"Anika!! You are still not up? It's 10am" I recognize this authoritative, annoying voice as my brother's.

Huh?? 10 am??!! Shit! I overslept!

I curse under my breath and immediately sit upright. Jason needs my help the most today. Tomorrow we have a party. I rub my eyes and start speeding up with my morning routine.

"Say what you wanna say, quickly!" I say with urgency

"Woah!! What's the hurry?"

"Getting late for something, just speak already," I start getting irritated.

"Okay, okay, I'll call later then." We hang up. And I shower and get ready within 20 minutes. Track record man!

Organized chaos is spread downstairs. All the caretakers are at work, hastily moving packages and food and what not from here to there. The Christmas tree is being decorated exactly how I had planned. It feels so good seeing your idea getting implemented so accurately and perfectly.

I spot Christina balancing 2 big boxes in her small arms, taking them somewhere. I go over to her and help her with one of them.

"Thank you ma'am," she says as we put it down near the tree.

I smile and ask her, "Where's Jason?"

"In the kitchen" she replies and heads back to what she was doing.

I find Jason with his back to me, him doing something at the kitchen counter. As I approach him, he senses my presence and turns towards me.

"Hey! You up?"

"Yeah," I see him with an icing bag, "what are you doing?"

"Icing the cupcakes?" His reply come out more like a question.

"Yeah I can see that, but why are you doing it?"

"Cause the cooks are on leave and we have a party tomorrow, remember?"

"Oh. I'll help you out. Just tell me what to do." I kindly offer.

2 hours later

We have completed baking and decorating at least 50 cupcakes. Wonder right? Especially, knowing that I cannot be any worse baker in the world! I must admit, Jason is quite a cook, very efficient and skillful. Christina and Carlisle too helped us out and now our hard work is resting in the cool refrigerator.

"That was tiring," I comment as we remove our aprons and settle ourselves at the dining table. It's around 12 pm and my stomach's already groaning. That's when I realize that I hadn't had breakfast.

"I am hungry," I spill out before I can even process. Guess my stomach has a brain of its own.

Jason furrows his eyebrows and then suddenly, his face goes blank, no emotion showing of.

"You didn't have breakfast?!" He asks expressionless

"I forgot" I sheepishly smile.

"Get up," he orders as he stands up and approaches me. I continue to sit there, dumbfounded.

"Get up," he repeats and then gently yet firmly, grips my arm and pulls me up.

"What?" I really appreciate his guts. No one, I mean no one has ever behaved like this to me. He is such a mystery . At one point he is this sweet guy who can bake delicacies and at next, if a girl says that she's hungry then he starts being rude to her, almost punishes her for that! How sick!

"Let's get you something to eat," he sighs, not even meeting my eyes.

That's when I realize. I am a liability to him. Tristan has given him the responsibility to take care of me, so even if he doesn't want to, he has to. That's the reason for him being so difficult to me. I start fuming from within. I am not a 3 year old kid who can't take care of herself. In fact, I never even wanted to come here. I could have stayed alone at the apartment or better, left for Cambridge. I didn't need anyone's obligation. I came here just because Tristan insisted.

"I am not hungry," I rather jerkily pull away my arm which was still under his grip and start to walk away.

"But you just said so," he looks totally confused.

"Yeah, but now I am not."

"But you haven't eaten anything since what? 12 hours?" He starts following me upstairs.

I don't reply and continue up to my room. I just want to slam the door on his face but that's when I realize that this is not my house, but his. So, fuming even more I start to pack my bag. I can't stay her for another minute.

"What are you doing?"

Hah! What an actor he is. He might just want this, then why act as if he cares?

Suddenly, he pulls me by my arm and forces me to look up at him.

"I asked, what are you doing?" He grits his teeth

"Can't you see? I am leaving from here," I free myself as soon as his grip loosens.

"Why?" He sounds genuinely baffled.

By now I have nearly completed packing my clothes and I go get my toiletries.

"Will you just stop? Answer me first! Let's talk this out?" He pulls me by arm once again. Ouch! It hurts.

"What is there to talk huh? That I am a burden for all you? That Tristan has tied me to you for he thinks I can't take care of myself?" I am at a point of break down. This was exactly the reason why mom committed suicide. I was a burden to the family. Tristan won't let me believe that, but deep down, everyone knows that I am the reason behind Camila Collins death.

"Do you even litsen to yourself? Tristan asked you to stay here because I suggested that. And not for this shit you are blurting," he pulls me closer to him and I immediately place my hands on his chest in order to put some distance between us. I start getting uncomfortable by this proximity and this ocean blue gaze.

"Oh ok," I try to look everywhere but into his eyes, however, I miserably fail.

"You are so stupid, Anika!" He continues, "How could you even think that? How can you think that you are the reason behind your parents death?"

My eyes widen.

"What?? How-how d-do you know?" I stutter.

His eyes suddenly hold no more anger, instead it has an emotion, I can't quite describe. No, I am pretty sure it's not pity. It's a mixture of 'oh-i-shouldn't-have-said-that' and 'oh-I-relate-so-well'

He then leaves me and runs his hand through his hair.

"I read your diary," he replies after a long silence.

"What diary?" I stopped writing diaries since Grade 6.

"Do you remember me being your homeroom partner back in Grade 6? Two weeks before you left, I found your diary in your desk, I was about to return it the next day, but you never came to school. Then I heard you left for Cambridge. Since then, I have your diary and I am sorry, but I read every single page of that." He explains.

I strain my brain pretty hard and remember everything but a young Jason being my homeroom partner.

"I am sorry," he starts rubbing my back and I realize that I am already crying. But what am I crying for? My parents death? Jason knowing my deepest stuff, even if they were 8 years old or me not remembering Jason? I guess it's a mixture of all the unexpressed emotions of these 8 years. However, it feels good. Crying feels good. Experiencing pain feels good. I sob into Jason's embrace untill there are no more emotions and situations to mourn upon.



Me, after writing this,

Okay!! I hope I didn't ruin this chapter!

Anyways, do tell me how what you think about this chapter!!

Thankyou for being such lovely readers...


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