Chapter 8: It's just the beginning

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Why doesn't he want me to come in front of the media? I know that I am not pretty but I am not ugly either! And I'll make sure I won't blabber shit in front of them. I knew this, I so knew this...He's embarrassed - 

"And before you start thinking something stupid, let me tell you Tristan has ordered me not to let media discover you," he interrupts my thoughts. 

"But why?"

"Because public attention is not good for you."

"Why again?"

"Let's just say, they may portray you as something you are not and then it starts a series of unwanted problems and since you are attached to our family, it might worsen the situation even more."

I mouth an 'oohhh' and then pout, cause this is not fair. You work hard over a project, which wasn't even yours in the first place, and then you never get to know about its result.

"So, what am I going to do for those good several hours? Lock myself in the room while I hear all happy chatters and giggles? I surely cannot do that."

"Well, I have a better plan for us."


"Yeah, even I won't be there at the party."

"Why? like you are the heir of the great KELLERS. Media will burn you if you don't show up."

"No, they won't," I raise my eyebrows as if to say 'explain' so he continues, "Because I have never shown up till date."


"You ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

"It's part of my personality," I say with an air of pride.

To this, he laughs, real laughter.  

"So, what's the plan then?" I think against the idea of pushing him any further about the media question.

"We go to a party at one of my friend's place. After all, it's a Christmas night, we can't bore ourselves being locked up in a room right?" Now it was my chance to smile. 

"I hope you'll enjoy it there. He's quite a party organizer."

"You bet, he won't be as good as me!" I smirk.

"Yep, nobody as good as you!" And we laugh.


"I am coming in!" Jason announces and barges in a second later. Since the last half an hour, I am struggling to choose the right outfit. I have no clothes decent enough for such a party. Jason informed me that it is just named as a 'Christmas party' but it's going to be as wild as a 'New Year Party.' So, I have to choose a dress which is not too revealing and yet I must look as if I am going to a party and not a church.

"You're still not ready? We have to leave like immediately, once people start gathering it's gonna be super difficult to sneak out!" 

"I have no shit to wear!" I cry and bang the wardrobe door. 

"Just pick up anything! Come on," he gently pushes me aside and looks into my wardrobe. He then frantically starts to pull my clothes out, one by one, examine them and toss them over. He does this until the entire wardrobe is empty. 

"You're right! You've no shit to wear!" he decides and shoves his hand into his pocket.

I give him an 'I-told-you-so' look and then advert my gaze elsewhere. Ughh! I so wanna go to this party. Partly because I know sitting here until tomorrow is going to bore the hell out of me (like I cannot even go to the kitchen for getting some water!) and partly because I wanna see Jason's friends. You know, a person is known by his company. Anyway, I guess my fate is just too kind to let me go.

"You know what? I'll stay here, you go on," I say, giving one last, sympathetic look at the pool of clothes on the bed. 

"Shut up! You're coming, even if that means wearing one of this shit," he gestures towards the bed.

"Not gonna happen!" I sigh and sit on the chair. 

Suddenly, Jason just leaves the room. Is this even legally allowed? To leave even when you say you won't? I frown. After a few minutes, he returns with a goofy smile plastered on his face. I raise my eyebrows almost as soon as he lifts up a pretty white dress. 

"The only non-formal aka perfect dress I've known Jade owned," he grins. 


"My sister."

"I never knew you had one."

"Yeah, well, she got married to a Canadian. Lives there now."


"Now, do we sit and talk about Jade or you wanna go try this out?" He hands me over the dress and waits outside. 

The dress fits me perfectly. I love it so much I just can't keep my eyes off it. I put on some basic make-up. Get my clutch ready and pull up my black heels which compliment with the dress. I take one last glance at the beautiful, confident and innocent girl in the mirror, which is definitely not Anika, and open the door. Jason too is ready in his denim blue t-shirt and black jeans. You know what? He doesn't even try and yet manages to look like a Greek god. How? I mean, how?

He scans me from top to bottom, more than once, and my ears go thirsty to hear what he has to comment about the dress.

"Finally! Let's go," What!!?? No cliche comments? Not even a 'wow'? Humph! I sigh in frustration.


Alright! As you would be able to sense, there's so much coming in this party. Let's say it's gonna be a long one until Anika's birthday which is on 31st December.

See ya...

And yes, don't forget to hit the star button down here👇. That would be enough to encourage me!!


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