Chapter 7: Encounters!

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"Okay, Hazel Grace?"


And that's how the movie ends. I shut down my laptop and take in a huge breath, the events of the movie still fresh in my head. Movies such as this one have so much impact on my life. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. Perhaps, okay will be our always. My thoughts are like stars which I cannot fathom into constellations. And so many more, I can literally write a whole book consisting of John Green's quotes. 

Suddenly, I am plunged out of this TFIOS mood, as I hear long, resonating sounds of glasses clinking. The sound is so loud I can actually picture mirrors or plates shattering to the wall. Curious to know what caused them, I creak open my door - a little and peep. There's nothing wrong on this floor. So, I decide to explore further and leave the room in my pajamas. 

It's 2:30 am. I don't see single evidence of any sort of glass break which means that either I was hallucinating or there's some ghost in this crappy, no scratch that, creepy mansion. I tip-toe back into my room and well, try to sleep. 


Morning comes faster than it should. I groan. It is 23rd December today, which means - party time. However, that doesn't start until 5 pm. So, why do I get up so early? That question always remains unanswered and I am nevertheless, ready by 9 am. 

Jason is found nowhere. So, I decide to spend my day by helping the freaked out workers, who are scurrying from here to there since last night. 

"Merry Christmas darling. You may be Anika. Am I right?" A shrill voice of a thin, tall, pale woman greets me. She's worn a  silk dress which looks quite expensive with diamond jewelry and heavy make-up that hides her rather ugly features.  

"Merry Christmas. Yeah, I am Anika," I reply putting on my best fake smile.

"I am Jason's mom. He tells me so much about you. I was so eager to see you," she says exaggerating every 'so' in her speech. Then she laughs an almost devil laugh. What a woman! I told you, quite species out here! 

"Yeah. Nice to meet you." I try to sound...good. 

She then pulls me into a side hug, which is hardly a hug and I almost puke. Don't ask why!

"See you later darling!" her high heels rattling as she walks away. 

London's brought me quite some encounters. I think to myself and then carry on with my work. When Jason returns it's already past noon and so we go out for lunch. To my surprise, the restaurant's is overloaded with at least an hours waiting time. Hearing this, instinctively, my stomach roars. 

"Wanna wait, or leave?"

"Are you out of your mind? Leave of course," I reply in the most exaggerating way, trying to give him hints that I am 'super' hungry.

He chuckles and then escorts me back to the car. After 20 minutes, we arrive at another restaurant which perhaps saved me from passing out. 

Jason pulls out a chair for me as I settle. Quite a gentleman! I smile at him.

"Good afternoon! I am Richa. What shall I get you?" A blonde waitress directs the question to Jason without even glancing at me. I notice the way her eyes rake his body. I see her crooked teeth display as she flashes her broad smile. She then uses her fingers to curl her hair as she continues to look at Jason waiting for a reply. Jason too grins widely at her and this response brings a massive thunderstorm in my veins. I don't know why.

I huff in frustration when something goes wrong and I start coughing vigorously. Jason's attention immediately is back on me and he pours me some water and rubs my free hand as I slowly gulp it down. 

"You alright?" he still hasn't left my hand. 

"Yup" I say popping the 'p'.

He smiles and then orders for white pasta.

"How did you know I like white pasta?"

"I may have read it somewhere," he says referring to my diary. 

Okay, so white pasta has been my crush since I was born. 

"How crazy is that? I don't even remember you from my childhood and here you are who just knows everything about me."

"I was technically your partner only for 2 months and that to 8 years ago. And, I don't know anything about you, the diary I have is 8 years old!"

"Speaking of the diary, when are you planning to return it?" 


"What? I need it!"

"Why, not that it's of any importance now!"

"Of course it is! It's my diary and I need it back."

"I might have lost it?"

"What??" he just shrugs, "Oh god!" I sigh. 

Our pasta arrives and then we are thrown into silence until Jason says, "There's going to be press and media during the party."

I almost spit out my pasta.

"What? Why didn't you tell me before? I would have planned this decoration shit much better." 

"Nope, it's perfect."

"No, it's not. The whole world is gonna see it. OMG! Why didn't I make it more glamorous? I am so screwed"

"Relax Anika! Not that anyone knows that you've planned it. And secondly, if I would've told you about this earlier, you wouldn't have planned it the way YOU wanted it, you would've made sure that every single piece looked good from somebody else's eye, not yours." That shuts me up. 

"Okay, now there's just one problem. I don't want you to come in front of media." he bluntly says after a while. My heart sinks for god knows what reason. 



Hey there lovely readers,

I hope I didn't bore you guys. Thanks for being so patient and well be prepared for the next part. A lot of drama is going to pour in. (Just that I write it well. LMAO!)

Till then have a great day...


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