Chapter 1

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:::Reefside High School November 14 2014:::

Conner Ethan and Trent were sitting in the school cafeteria all talking it had been just a little over 2 months since they got their powers and only a week after Trent was finally free of the Evil that used to control him.

They were sitting there talking about what they were gonna do after school while waiting for their friend and teammate Kira Ford.

"So how long does this washing the zords thing last guys?" Trent asked as Conner and Ethan laughed a little.

"Don't worry about it Trent we are done teasing you, by the way welcome to the team, thought I would say it formally." Conner said extending his hand over to Trent.

Trent smiled and shook it back at that point it was time for them to head to their first class of the day.

While they were walking down the hallway they heard a girl yell in pain and the sound of her body hitting a locker.

"So when you gonna realize your place little girl." The boy yelled out as Conner and Trent came running around the corner followed by Ethan.

The looks they had on their faces was one of disgust and surprise the girl getting assaulted was Kira the boy John Ford the captain of the School varsity soccer team was the attacker.

Conner and Trent ran over to them Trent grabbed John while Conner checked on Kira she had a black eye and a little blood trickling from her face.

Trent pinned John against another locker. "What the fuck is wrong with you man beating up your little sister like that." Trent screamed at him.

John pushed Trent off of him then kicked him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him at this point Conner ran between them.

"He is right John what the fuck man." Conner yelled.

John looked over at Kira then spit at her. "You want to protect the ungrateful bitch so be it." He spat at them.

Conner reached back to punch him only to be stopped by Trent. "He is not worth getting suspended over Conner." Trent said.

Conner looked at Tent then back at John he then nodded and lowered his fist. "Your right Trent I will just tell coach what he did." Conner said.

At that John laughed. "you really think the coach will listen to the little freshman over his team captain your funny McKnight funny and pathetic just like your soccer skills." John said to him as Conner walked back over to make sure Kira was ok.

Ethan looked over at John as he just stood there. "What's your deal man why you hitting your sister like that." Ethan said.

John again laughed. "Your funny geek that thing is not my real sister she is just a burden that got left on my parents door when she was 3 months old, hell the only reason she has my last name is because we didn't know her real one, that and my parents barley care about her they would not even adopt her." He said laughing.

"Oh and by the way Kira hope your bags are packed because after what happened with dad we are done with you and shipping you to another foster home in Boston, to finally be rid of the drain on my family will be wonderful." He says as he walks over and kicks her in the stomach as Conner jumps up unable to hold back any longer.

"You fucking prick!" Conner yells as he nails John in the face with a punch hard enough to knock him down at this point Principle Randall has come down to see what was happening.

"Mr. McKnight what is the meaning of this." Randall demands from him.

"Maam he was beating on Kira." He said Randall looking over at Kira then at John and back to Conner .

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