Chapter 6

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:::Reefside High School:::

Ethan, Trent, Conner and Kira are walking through the hallways getting ready to head to their first class when there is a announcement that Principal Randall has died in a car accident.

Conner and Ethan look at each other. "Whoa wow she is gone I mean she was mean but I would not wish death on anyone." Ethan says as the other 3 agree with him they head to Dr. Oliver's class first.

Watching them from a distance is John ford gleefully smiling as he case his targets.

It was a mournful day but a day nonetheless as the teens had just finished there last period and talked about meeting up at Hayley's later.

Conner and Kira were walking next to each other when all of a sudden Kira grabs on to Conner in fear, Conner looks up to see John Ford approach them.

"What's the matter Kira something scare you."John says as she takes a defensive posture behind Conner as Trent and Ethan move next to Conner to help him.

"What the hell do you want John leave her alone." Conner says.

John looks at Conner and smiles. "Oh are you her new boy toy McKnight, hmm Kira how long till you bed this one or did you already." John says.

Conner gets a scowl on his face as he glares at John. "Back off John right now." Conner says.

John just laughs. "What's the matter McKnight did you not know my sister gets around." John says.

Conner having handed Kira to Ethan gets in John's face. "Back the fuck off Ford or you will regret it." Conner snarls at him.

John just laughs and pushes him making sure to hit here his wound is. "yea like you could take me McKnight hey you want to be with my sister just know others have been there before you." John says as he goes to walk off.

As John is walking down the hall he all of a sudden trips and falls flat on his face causing his nose to bleed, he gets up and notice blood is trickling out of his nose he walks off.

"Wow he can't even walk, wait where is Trent?" Ethan says noticing the white ranger is missing.

Trent walks away from the lockers coming into view seeing what he has done caused Kira to smile, "Thank you guys for sticking by me but can we please leave and go to Hayley's?" Kira asks.

The boys nod and they head out of the school and head off to Hayley's cyberspace café, after about a half hour they arrive.

"Hey guys how was school today?" The person behind the counter asks them.

"It was good Dr. Cranston until the end of the day." Ethan said.

Billy laughed. "Please guys I am not one of your teachers you can call me Billy." Billy said laughing slightly.

"But as for the end of your day what happened?" Billy asked.

"We had a run in with John Ford." Trent said as he came out front after punching in.

Billy was confused. "Wait I thought his mom sent him to Military school why is he still at Reefside High?" Billy asked.

"I don't know Billy but he was there and it was not a good effect on Kira." Conner said as Kira was sitting at a table strumming on a guitar.

"Wait Billy where is Hayley?" Ethan asks.

"She is with Kim right now helping her find a new job I told her I would cover here." Billy said.

"Aw how sweet Billy you are a good man for Hayley." Kira said causing Billy to blush a little.

"Thank you Kira anyway guys sit down enjoy your selves I will get you some shakes." Billy said.

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