Chapter 7

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:::Mesogog's Lair:::

Mesogog was walking around his lab with John right at his side. "Master when do we strike again?" John asked.

Mesogog glared at him. "You will strike when I give the order to strike not a moment sooner we will wait till our little spy gives us the Intel we need." He hissed.

Zeltrax stepped up this time. "Lord Mesogog it has been 2 weeks since we sent her in how do we know she has not turned on us." Zeltrax stated.

Mesogog stared at him. "Because if she did she would be in immense pain I have a telepathic bug in her head to keep her in line and she knows this." He hissed.

Before anyone else can speak up there is a whooshing sound as a invisiportal opens up and Emily appears before them.

"Ah my little spy what do you have to report to me little girl." Mesogog hisses as he brushes a claw under her chin.

Emily cringes at his touch. "They each have a paralyzing fear and from what I can gather Kira's is being abandoned, Conner's is he won't be able to protect Kira, Trent's is the death of his father by either you or himself, Dr. Oliver's is him hurting all those closest to him and Ethan however does not have one." She reports.

"Very good my little servant now you will remain here while we attack the rangers." Mesogog hisses at her.

"As you wish my master." She replies as she turns away a single tear falls down her cheek.

"Zeltrax prepare all drones this will be a large scale attack we destroy the rangers once and for all." He commands.

"You might want some help with that." Says a new voice as he walks in.

"What are you doing here Lother do you wish to die?" Zeltrax hisses as he draws his sword pointing it at Lother.

"Nonsense I just want to aid you in defeating the rangers." He says with a smile on his face.

Mesogog stands there and then smiles. "No this could work very well I got a better plan now John Zeltrax you will take a few drones with you and launch a small attack on the rangers, and John I have increased your telepathic powers you are to force them to live there worst fear." Mesogog hisses.

Both John and Zeltrax bow and head out not noticing the small teen standing there listening to everything.

Mesogog turns to Lothor. "Now as for you we will use whatever you can offer after this little adventure because I have a feeling Dr. Oliver called in reinforcements." Mesogog hisses as Lothor smiles

:::Dino Lab:::

Conner, Trent Ethan and Kira are sitting in the basement command center as Trini gives Conner a clean bill of health and allows him to return to duty.

Kira looks around then back at her father. "Dad where has Mom been this last week?" She asked.

"In Angel Grove getting the rest of her things to finalize her move to Reefside." He says.

Trent goes to say something as the alarm goes off causing Tommy and Hayley to check the computers.

"Looks like our reprieve from Mesogog is over Zeltrax and John are attacking the shopping district." Tommy says as the ranger all make there Morphers appear.

They morph and head to the district, arriving there they immediately engage the drones while Tommy goes for Zeltrax.

John stands back watching the battle as Trent and Ethan take out at least 8 drones while Conner is downing his 9th he raises his arm and fires a energy blast at Ethan hitting him at the feet do to him shifting at the last second.

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