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I wasn't gonna post today not gonna lie but YEET this shitty book has 1.2k reads wOw

I also have nothing else to do except feel sorry for myself and yeah i'm gonna be a person and write another chapter. OOOFNJEFEFUWEUHFG I FEEL SICKKKKKKKKKK suddenly yAsS1!1!!!!1111! I'm gonna stop now (;


*Brooks POV*

After untying the weird strangers me and Andy decided to split up.

'Brook you and your perm buddy can look upstairs and me and Eben will check downstairs,' Andy announced passing me and Jack a gun (Idk what to call him, Jack Avery because there is already a Jack and an Avery /; )

They soon left, leaving me and Jack alone. FUN!

'Sooo we're alone?' he smirked, nudging me slightly

'Exactly lets head upstairs' I rolled my eyes, heading toward the white stairs, and slowly walking up them, being sure to not make a noise.

'Soooo you-' the boy started, being cut off by me, smacking my hand over his mouth.

'SHUT THE FUCK UP ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US CAUGHT?' I whispered, pushing him up against the wall, scoffing.

A smirk crept on his face so I slowly back off

'Creep, I have a boyfriend' I spit, like me and Jack aren't official but are we? I mean we both admitted that we liked each other?

'Hey there's a room here' the boy smirks, slowly and quietly opening the door.

I walk towards sum silently as he opened the door until my eyes were met with Jack...


'WHAT THE FUCK JACK?' I yell, slamming the door open, trying to keep in the tears.

Jack quickly pulls away and looks at me with a confused look in his eyes.

'Oh hey Brook glad you could drop by' I hear Daniel smirk, I just glared at a confused Jack, not noticing the gun in Daniels hand.

'Move an inch Wyatt and you're dead' Daniel smirked, and that's when I noticed.


I stand there frozen as Daniel passes Jack the gun.

'Shoot him' Daniel smirks, pointing at me.

'Who is he?' I hear Jack ask, but before he could get an answer he shoots.

Yeet I'm so sorry this chapter is so short, just wanted to leave you on a cliff hanger (;;;

Is Brook dead?

Or not


Also comment how many parts of this book I should do.

Word count: 405

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