Chapter 1

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"That's it."

Nathan Drake paces frustratedly in his living room, a hand running through his hair. The burnt out candles and fallen decorations had added to the sombre mood in the room.

"I'm gonna find her, then I'm gonna kill her." He mutters.

"Would you calm down? She's eighteen now. Remember what you were like then?"

(Y/N) Drake tries to reassure her husband, but he is quick to brush her off. "That's exactly why I don't want her out this late. It's our job to make sure she doesn't end up the way we did."

The woman sighs, sitting down and rubbing her eyes with her hands, already tired out.

"This is ridiculous. I'm phoning the police." Nate states, grabbing his phone. At this, (Y/N) jumps up. "Hey, now that's a bit drastic, honey. She'll be home soon."

She places her hands on his chest, leaning her head on him and closing her eyes. The two stay in each other's embrace, the minutes ticking away agonisingly slow.

"It's been long enough, (Y/N). I've been patient, but -" Nate's cut off at the click of the door opening and the pair look up, their faces turning from relief to anger.

A young woman enters, her (H/C) pulled up and her sea coloured eyes sparkling in the dim of the light.

"And what time do you call this?" Nate asks.

The (H/C) looks at her watch. "I'd say about 10 to 1."

"Not funny, Cassie. Your father and I have been worried sick!" (Y/N) chides.

Cassie drops her bag, closing the door behind her and nodding. "I know, I know. I went out clubbing with a few mates and then my phone died."

"No, no, no, you did not go out clubbing. Your mom and I said to be home at 10 and I can tell when you're lying, young lady." Nate scolds.

"Nathan, please, give her a break." (Y/N) says, annoyed.

"Don't tell me you believe that, you were a teenager too." He tells his wife, turning to her.

"Yes and I also know we did worse things. Cassie, just tell us where you were."

There's a silence between the family and then Cassie sighs, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, but please don't be mad."

The couple share a look, wearily turning back to their daughter and nodding. "Go on..."

"I met this guy -"

"You what!"

"Shut up, let her finish." (Y/N) hits Nate's chest.

"- and he gave me records on Atlantis." Cassie finishes.

"You are not seriously going back to that again, Cass, we've told you the dangers." This time it's (Y/N) being strict.

"Hey, I said don't be mad!"

"Your mom's right. We told you not to pursue this, it's illegal and it's dangerous." Nate adds.

"But -"

"No, Cassie, that's it." (Y/N) puts her foot down and the young woman groans in annoyance.

"Fine." She holds up her hands and picks her bag up again, walking towards the stairs. "But Atlantis was an empire, imagine all the artefacts that's buried with it. Not to mention the gold statue of Poseidon." She shrugs.

"Illegal." Nate states.

"It's larger than Libya and Asia together. That's a lot of treasure." Cassie sings, disappearing out of sight.

Nate turns to his wife, holding up his hands. "What just happened?" He exclaims.

"Our daughter is a Drake and wants an adventure and surprise, it's not the legal kind." (Y/N) answers.

"Oh, and that's my fault is it?"

"We cant let her chase after this, Nate. Everything we've been through is what happens when you go chasing a myth."

Nate sighs at her words, nodding. "I know, I know. We'll just have to put her mind off it."

"Easier said than done. She is your kid after all. Remember when Sam wouldn't let Libertalia's treasure go?"

"Cassie's not like that." Nate points out.

"We don't know, she's only just turned eighteen, anything can happen now." (Y/N) counters.

"Let's just figure it out in the morning, okay?"

(Y/N) nods, the tiredness taking over once again. "Okay." She mumbles and Nate smiles, opening his arms.

"C'mere." Chuckling, she wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his chest.

"I don't want her to get hurt, Nate."

"Neither of us do, honey, which is why we have to stop this before she ends up hiring an army or something." He jokes.

"Tomorrow, then, we give her a new project." (Y/N) suggests and he nods.

"We're good at distractions." Nate says, pulling away from her and leading her up the stairs.

"Sure are, cowboy. Sure are." She sighs, yawning.

Their door shuts and opposite them, their daughter's one carefully opens.

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