Chapter 17

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Behind Jax stood (Y/N). The cold barrel of the gun pressed against the back of his head.

The whole room had fallen silent. Cassie had ran over to her gramps and uncle, who now all stood together.

Nate slowly gets up off the the floor, the gun that was against his own head moving with him.

And that's how they stood.

(Y/N) threatening Jax who threatened Nate, whilst Jax's goons had their guns pointed at the family.

Her hand was surprisingly still and her breathing steady. "Step away from my husband."

Jax chuckles, but lifts his hands up in a surrender and Nate stands and heads towards his family. Slowly he turns, facing (Y/N) and pressing his forehead to the gun.

"Come on, darling. Do it." He sneers.

She feels her hand begin to shake and she straightens up, clearing her throat.

"You just can't help yourself." She spits. "My family has done nothing wrong!"

"Your family wasn't supposed to exist. It was to be me and you." He replies and she shakes her head.

"You abused me." (Y/N) yells, the tears falling. "And now... now you're going to pay." She says through gritted teeth.

They all watch her as she takes the safety off the gun, moving her finger to the trigger.

"(Y/N)... you don't have to do this. We can walk away." Nate calls.

"I can't. I cannot walk away from this Nate. Not now." She breathes. "Not this."

"Yes you can. You've walked away from him before and you can do it again. But this time... you've got us." Nate tells her.

(Y/N) looks over to her family. At the men stood behind them, pointing their guns.

But that split second cost her.

Jax springs into action, grabbing her arm and twisting her hand until the gun falls. He goes to grab it, but she kicks it away. He grabs her by the waist and tackles her to the ground.

The rest of the Drake's waste no time in fighting against their goons but Jax keeps (Y/N) pinned to the floor.

"You're supposed to be mine." He screams in her face. The once calm and cool demeanour shattered.

Kneeing him, she pushes him off of her and scrambles for the gun. Jax is quicker, grabbing her and pulling her back to which she turns and punches him.

The two engage in a fight, delivering blow after blow. She roundhouses him, sending him stumbling back. "You don't deserve anything." (Y/N) breathes heavily.

"But you do? You and I, we're the same really. You've killed people for money."

"I don't abuse my partners."

Jax chuckles, shaking his head. "I never meant to hurt you."

"Bullshit." She replies, punching him hard.

There's a sound of gunfire in the distance and she glances for a moment to see the four of them fighting against Jax's army.

With her back turned to him, he grabs her, wrapping his arm around her neck in a headlock. Struggling to breath, she grabs his arm, trying desperately to pull it even a few centimetres away.

"Jax..." she chokes out. "Please."

He softens at her voice, his old self coming back to him against hearing how broken she was.

As he weakens, (Y/N) bites down hard on his arm and elbows him in the face, falling forward to the ground and gasping for air.

Jax wipes the blood from his face and she crawls forward grabbing the gun off the floor and turning. Her chest rises and lowers with every deep breath.

Her hands no longer shaking. Both wrapped around the gun and a finger steady on the trigger.

"I never wanted this." (Y/N) says. "Any of it."

Jax stands there. Defeated.

The woman gets to her feet.

Nate shoots a soldier down, dropping the gun to look at his wife face off against this man. Sully stands beside him. Sam holds a guy and Cassie punches his lights out, the two high-fiving but then notice the situation.

The four of them stand at the sidelines, watching.

"You bought this on yourself." (Y/N) whispers, a few tears slowly running down her face.

Jax does nothing. He doesn't even try to put up a fight anymore because he knows.

He knows it's over.

For one of them at least.

Nodding at her former lover, she shuffles. "This is the only option..."

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