"You're such an idiot, Steve."

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You were clenching your fists, otherwise you were positive you'd be strangling Steve right now

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You were clenching your fists, otherwise you were positive you'd be strangling Steve right now. "How many times do I have to tell you?" You yelled. "I do not have a thing for Tony!"

"Oh yeah?" Steve slammed the door to the room open, just as angry as you were. His cheeks were red with the effort to keep some of it contained. "Is that why you were flirting with him all night?"

"I was not flirting with him!" You followed him into his room and closed the door behind you, you didn't need everyone else hearing your argument. You were breathless after chasing him all the way from the living room where he had apparently seen you hitting on Tony, charming him with smiles and giggles. Obviously, that's not what was going on. You had no interest in Tony, you had your eyes set on a particular super soldier. 

You liked Steve. A lot. However, he didn't realize that yet, and it made you want to punch him in his perfect face.

"(Y/N)," he said as he spun around to face you. "You flirt with him constantly. I can't even stand to be around the two of you. Just date already!" He rolled his eyes.

"You're such an idiot, Steve." You rubbed your forehead with your palm. His jealously was giving you a slight headache, this was a pointless argument and very similar to the one you had last week. And the week before that. And so on and so forth. 

"Don't spin this on me. I'm not an idiot for noticing that every guy on the planet flirts with you." He threw his hands up in frustration. "And you flirt right back with all of them."

"No, I don't!" You held your hand up to stop him from speaking before you could finish. "They don't mean anything to me."

"Well, that says a lot about you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You're eyes narrowed into slits. Your anger was increasing with every word he said. 

"Oh, I don't know." He lets out a laugh. "You just let guys hit on you until you get what you want? You don't really care about what your actions might be doing to the guys who actually care about you?"

"I'm so tired of this." You turned to walk out the door, but Steve gripped your wrist and yanked you back. 

"We're not done here." His hand remained tight around your arm. 

"You're driving me insane." You pushed his hand off you.

"Do you not see what you're doing to me?" He shouted. You scrunched your eyebrows together.

"What?" Your tone had lowered significantly. You were still angry, but now you were also confused.

"I shouldn't even have to explain this." He began vigorously shaking his head. "It should be obvious to you."

"Clearly it isn't if I have no clue what you're talking about!" Your anger was rising again.

"Forget it." He turned away from you and placed his hands on his hips.

"No." You watched him shake his head again. "Steve."

"I don't like it when you flirt with other guys!" He yelled at you.

"I don't like it when you assume I'm flirting with every guy I talk to!" You shouted just as loud.

"That's because you do!"

"There's only one guy I flirt with and he's too oblivious to notice!" 

"Oh, why don't you just go to him then?" He pointed at the door, expecting you to walk out. He didn't know you were talking about him.

"Shut up." You ran a hand through your hair. For a moment Steve just stared at you while you fumed in anger. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, you could feel your heart pounding against your ribs.

Then you broke the distance between the two of you in one long stride. You instantly flung your arms around his neck. Steve caught you and his hands gripped the curve of your waist. He pulled you toward him until your bodies collided and your lips attached to his. The kiss was rough, yet sweet, and heavily diluted with passion. Both of you poured all your emotions into it and each other. You ran your fingers through his hair and felt your heart beat faster. You swore his did too, you could practically feel it because of how close you were. 

When you finally pulled apart, you were both out of breath and gasping for air. 

"I only want you." You managed to get out in between deep breaths. His blue eyes locked on yours.

"I've always wanted you." And he kissed you again.

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