"I'm so sorry, Steve."

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Stupidly, for a moment, you thought everything was exactly as it had been

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Stupidly, for a moment, you thought everything was exactly as it had been. You thought that perhaps it didn't work. Of course that was a hopeless thought. From about twenty feet away, you could see Thor's axe buried deep in Thanos' chest. Thor demanded answers from him, but instead he summoned a portal and fell back into it, leaving Thor's axe laying on the ground where he previously was.

You gripped your side in pain from where you'd been hit only moments before by Thanos himself. Your eyes met Thor's, both full of worry about what had just happened.

"Where'd he go?" Steve asked as he ran up to you. His hand instinctively went to cover yours where it still lay against your injury. "Thor. Where'd he go?" He repeated himself. You glanced at your boyfriend's face. It was covered in dirt and grime, cuts and bruises were scattered around, and the corner of his lip had an open gash that left a trail of blood down to his beard. Neither you nor Thor answered his question, but you weren't given much time because you heard a voice call out behind you.

"Steve? (Y/N)?" Bucky walked sluggishly toward you and Steve. His face held a confused expression. You gasped in horror and sprinted in his direction when his arm slowly began turning to brown dust. By the time you'd reached where he was stood, he was nothing but ash, causing you to drop to the ground where the gun he held lay. You choked as your throat tightened, you reached down and scooped some of the remains in your hand. 

Since the beginning of your relationship with Steve Rogers, you and Bucky had grown close and you could now call him your best friend. You'd been there when Steve first found out Bucky was still alive and you were there even when everyone else thought he was a murderer. You had helped bring him back. He always thought you were perfect for Steve and could give him the happy ending he deserved after everything he'd gone through.

But now he was gone. Your best friend was gone.

Steve rushed over to you and wrapped his arms around you quickly. He brushed the ash off your hands as you turned around and broke down sobbing into his chest. You couldn't hear it, but all around you, people who fought alongside you against Thanos slowly began turning to dust. All you could do was cry as Steve attempted to comfort you. 

"(Y/N)." You looked up at your boyfriend's face, expecting him to say more but he couldn't seem to find the words. His blue eyes were swimming in pools of tears as he watched your own stream down your face. Slowly, he pulled away and clasped your hand with his. He led you over to Vision's body, now lifeless and a dull gray color.

You began to feel light-headed, but you pushed it off as grief. Until you began to lose your balance and stumbled into Steve's side. You could almost feel color draining from your face as your dizziness increased.

"Steve, I," you paused to close your eyes when another wave of dizziness hit you.

"(Y/N)?" His hands gripped your waist, helping to keep you upright. "Are you alright? Talk to me!"

"I feel sick." Your legs were no longer able to hold you up and your knees buckled in. Steve caught you before you hit the ground and laid you down gently.

"It's just the adrenaline wearing off." He reasoned with himself, he was trying to pretend this wasn't happening. "Right? You're fine."

"I'm so dizzy. Why is everything spinning?" You opened your eyes and instantly regretted it. You saw two Steve's moving back and forth in front of you. "Why are there two of you?" You blinked a few times and it was back to just one Steve looking at you with a pained expression. "What's happening?" You asked. You felt your whole body shaking in fear. A part of you knew exactly what was going on, but you refused to believe it.

"No." He said as his tears actually begin to drip down his face. "No, (Y/N)." 

"Steve," you whispered. You could barely manage to spit anything out due to how fuzzy your brain felt. 

"Please." Steve shook his head violently. "Not you. Anyone but you!"

"Steve," you whispered again. You couldn't seem to find anything else to say, your mind was muddled and foggy. You used all the strength you could muster to reach a hand up to his face. He leaned his face into your hand as you wiped some of his tears away.

"You can't go, (Y/N)!" Steve shouted and his voice cracked. "I need you!"

"I'm so sorry, Steve." You managed to mumble in between deep breaths.

"No, (Y/N). Please." His pleas are drowned out due to how light-headed you felt. "I love you so much." He pulled you close against his chest and you did your best to wrap your arms around him.

"I know, I..." your voice trailed off.

A numb sensation suddenly bit at your arm. You whipped your head down to it and your breathing picked up as you watched it turn to brown dust. The numbness began to spread, slowly working it's way across your body and washing you away with the wind. You looked at Steve with fear, tears streamed down his face as he did nothing but look down at you helplessly. He opened and closed his mouth several times, he couldn't find the right words to say. Before the darkness closed in, you stared into his eyes and uttered three words.

"I love you."

You took  one final deep breath before your chest went numb, followed by your neck, jaw, cheeks, and ears. The last thing you saw was Steve's watery eyes before your own turned to dust.

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