Swap around Server Part 1

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Author's Note: The new story. The first time that X's POV is used in a story. This is also the first time Evil X is more properly used with actual dialogue.


 X's POV:

 I haven't seen my own brother for a couple of days. This made sense though I did ban him from the server after all. 

 There was a bad feeling in my chest though. Maybe he just wanted to hang out this time and 'destroy' us later. I shook my head and took out my communicator as I stood up from the couch I was sitting on.

 " Call Evil Xisumavoid... Please." I spoke aloud as my communicator beeped to life. It took a few moments for the gruff, twisted voice to come through, " What X? I'm busy." he grumbled as I winced, " Oh god. Hold on the voice modulator is acting odd again." he huffed as some beeping came from the other side. 

 " Okay, it's fixed. What is it?" EX's voice became more like mine but still a bit gruffer, " I feel bad for kicking you off the server.... I'm sorry...." I mumbled as I looked around the room I was in. 

 I shook my head as I looked down at the communicator, " I'm unbanning you, so can you please come home?" I asked as I took my helmet off to make my voice clearer. 

 EX let out a humming sound to stall his thinking, " Okay...." he answered as my eyes lit up. The communicator hung up as I smiled and activated the codes of the game through the device. 

 The warming humming came from the device as Player: EvilXisumavoid Status: Unbanned flashed before me. I smiled as the sound of my door opening came from behind me.

 " Welcome back." I mused as EX sighed loudly, " Yeah. Yeah. Glad to be back brother." he muttered as I hugged his side. 

 I head EX let out a chuckle and shove me off, " You know I'm not a hugger." he laughed as I laughed to, " I know.... I just felt really bad." I told him again as he nodded.

 " Look how about I make us some food to forget about this?" I suggested as he nodded. I walked towards the kitchen.

 ((about an hour later time skip brought to you by the author dancing))

 I put down the two plates of food at the counter. 

 " Oi! EX?" I called out and found that EX wasn't in the living room anymore. I cocked my head to the side and searched around the entirety of the inside of my base to find no source of him leaving.

 This was concerning. Was letting him back into the server an awful idea? Did I mess up? Is he currently harming one of the other members?

 I shook my head.

 I can't think about that now. I need to find him and hope that everything is okay.

 I ran outside of my base and noticed some strange orbs floating in the sky. Red, green, magenta, red with yellow stripes, exedra. I narrowed my eyes as my chat towards starting to light up with panic.

 " GRIAN AND ISKALL ARE DOWN!" Mumbo typed in all caps as more people filled in.

 " TANGO AND ZEDAPH ARE DOWN TOO!" Impulse reported as more people typed quickly.

 Stress, Biffa, Doc, Ren, and Joe were also reported to be down currently and Python and TFC were stating that they could barely type words into the chat. 

 I looked up as more orbs filled the sky. The feeling of weakness started to flow through me as I hurried to the top of my base.

 The weakness tugged at my legs like a ball and chain as I dragged myself up the stairs. The aching feeling continued as I reached the top of the stairs.

 " EVIL XISUMAVOID!" I shouted with what strength remained as a purple glow started to escape from my chest. Evil X looked down at me; his eyes were filled with an unknown magic in his system.

 Evil X took off his helmet and laid it to his side, " 'Ello brother....." he hissed with venom in his tone as I fell against one of the pillars in my base. 

 The feeling of my insides being pulled to the glowing spot continued as my vision blurred. I stared up at him, " Why are you doing this.....?" I croaked out as the pain continued.

 " You banned me from the server genius." he sighed as his arms glowed a violent icy blue with odd black streaks that appeared. I looked down with an ashamed look, " I... I know.... I brought you back though...." I coughed as Evil X hovered down to me.

 " Even so you'd do it again mate with your silly, little friends. Heck, maybe you'll actually have me hunted down and killed........this time." he growled at me as fear started to crawl up the back my neck.

 I dropped to the ground in a pained heap. Evil X looked at me pitifully, " I wonder what will happen to you after this spell finishes. " he put his hand to his chin thoughtfully, " I should thank that weird hybrid thing back in central server for letting me 'borrow' the book that it has." he mused.

 My entire body continued to burn as the glow started to escape from me and form a purple orb, " Exxx..... pp l e a s e...." my voice got to the point where it was drawled out. The very moment the orb left my body I blacked out.


Brief No POV:

 Evil X looked down at his passed out brother as his orb flew into the sky. He let out a laugh as he watched the orbs of all the hermits dance across the sky. 

 This laughter, however, was cut short by a sudden pain in his chest. Evil X looked down at his own chest as a dark red glow started to come out of him. 

 The confused red wearer's knees buckled as he dropped to the ground in a pained heap as well. The color continued to leak from his chest until he blacked out as well as soon as the orb left him.

 These orbs all flew into the sky and flew around in a quick circle before shooting back off into the hermits. 

 It took mere moments for the orbs to envelope each hermit in the colors that each object possessed. 

 The glows soon ceased as each body slowly twitched and came back to life as a groan escaped from each of the groggy hermit's mouths.

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