part: I don't fucking know

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Fuck Gerard. Fuck him and his voice. Fuck him and the way he sings, the way he teases me and kisses me in front of everyone. He does it just to piss me off.

Ray looks over at me and mouths "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us in Prison", which I guess is the next song. My heart jumps, because I know how animated Gerard becomes when he sings this song. Besides the fact that he's fucking masturbated on stage before and does many other things that makes people question his sanity, he always touches himself when he sings. And that turns me on. 

He knows that.

My mind flashes back to one instance where Gee called me out on my chronic boners I get on stage.

"Frank! Frankie, baby, c'mere!" Gerard called from the main room of the tour bus. I sighed and stood up from my little corner to join the band on the small couches, and everyone was giggling and just looking at me like idiots. "Why are you guys giggling? What's happening?" I asked stupidly, and Mikey snorted.

Gee took a sip of water and looked up at me. We had just finished another show, but no one had bothered to shower yet, so the whole bus smelled like sweat and shit. It was awful. "I know you got a boner, Frankie," he teased lightly, and everyone bursted into hysterical laughter. I blushed madly, the fluorescent lighting of the bus doing nothing to hide it.

"F-Fuck you, no I didn't!" I lied, to which everyone laughed at. "I'd prefer to be the one fucking, but yes you did. We all saw it. The whole audience saw it. You were fucking moaning into my microphone. Who didn't see it?" Gee informed me, and everyone was laughing to the point of tears. I wanted to melt; to die. How dare he point me out like that?

I bit my lip and looked at Gerard, kind of hurt that he'd point it out like this. So bitterly. So casually.

So... Gerard.  

"Frankie," a voice says, far away. I snap out of my haze to thousands of fans screaming and taking pictures with their phones, and I feel myself redden. I had done it again; I had gotten lost in thought and had forgotten to play. I bite my lip and reposition my guitar, and I notice with hot embarrassment that I have yet another boner. On stage. Thinking of Gerard. What is wrong with me? "Looks like he got lost in thought... Again," Gee says into the microphone, and everyone screams again. 

I try to smile, but I can't. Fuck Gerard. Fuck him. 

"What were you thinking about, Frankie?" Gerard asks slyly, and the crowd erupts again. I bite my lip and try to decide what to do. Kiss Gee now or later? Later. Gerard walks over to me and leans into my ear, so that only I can hear him. "I know you're thinking about me, you fucker. If you want me, you can have me," he hisses, and then walks away.

After shouting something else at the crowd, we begin playing the song, but all I can think about it what Gerard just said. If I want him, I can have him? What? Really? 

During the middle of the song, I decide to give the fans something to scream about. I play over to Gerard, the riffs crashing with Ray's and creating the desired effect. I then drop my guitar so that it dangles from around my neck, and I pull Gerard in for one of those messy, passionate kisses. I swear, the audience could have blown up the Great Wall of China with those screams; everyone is going wild, snapping photos and taking videos of us. 

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