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Rayne's point of view

"Where's Michael?" I asked once we were finished on the Ferris wheel. All of the guys met up and were ready to leave. "He left earlier." Jackie simply replied as if that sort of thing was normal. "What? Why?" I asked completely caught off guard. Why would he leave without telling me? "He didn't say, I just saw him leaving." He replied. It became awkwardly quite. I couldn't help but wonder why he would just leave me, with his brothers of all people. "Let's head back to the house. It's getting late." Tito spoke, breaking the silence. I didn't speak, I just simply followed.

When w got back to Encino I immediately went searching for Michael. He had some serious explaining to do. I walked towards his bedroom and heard him talking to someone. I cracked the door open slightly, wondering if someone was in his room. "No I didn't- it wasn't exactly what it looked like." He laughed and stayed silent, listening to the person on the phone. "I wouldn't want to be taking anyone else to the award show, I mean that." My heart broke into a trillion pieces. I slowly backed out of the room, not knowing what to say to him after a comment like that. He told m that the only reason h didn't take me, was because he couldn't get in contact with me. I walked down the hallway heading toward the kitchen.

He was talking to Brooke. I know that for a fact. I got this horrible feeling that she was slowly but surely replacing me. The very thought made me cringe. I went through the freezer and pulled out the first carton of ice cream I spotted. I sat at the dining room table and began to chow down. Latoya walked through the kitchen just as bubbly as ever. I rolled my eyes knowing that she would start picking at my brain. "Oh high Rayne!" She exclaimed stopping dead in her tracks. I looked up and flashed a fake smile. "Hey Latoya how are you?" I asked, hoping that if I pretended to b happy, she'd go away quicker. It wasn't that I didn't like Latoya because I did. But it was just that her personality is one that you have to be in the mood for.

"Omg what's wrong!" She exclaimed quickly sitting at the table across from me. "Nothing really I'm fine." I quickly replied trying to play it off. "Oh come on, you know that you can tell me anything." I shook my head and continued eating, trying not to make conversation. "It's about Brooke, isn't it?" She whispered with a knowing smirk. "Brooke who?" I mumbled sarcastically, unconsciously stabbing at my ice cream. She looked down at my spoon and smiled. "Have you ever met her?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "No, but I imagine her to be perfect." I replied, not knowing how jealous I sound. "Hun, you have nothing to worry about. Brooke is a total snob, Michael's only taking her because you weren't available at the time. You know that if he was-." "Well that explanation is starting to sound a lot like a lie. But it doesn't really matter. We're just friends." I shrugged my shoulders and slouched a bit.

The conversation ruined my appetite. It was only a little left anyways. I offered it to Latoya and she immediately turned it down. "Trust me, when you meet her you'll understand." With that she got up and walked away. I sighed and looked out of the window. That's when I remembered. "Shit!" I thought quickly standing and moving towards Michael's room. I rushed inside and grabbed my things. I didn't even look at him; I quickly made my way towards the door. My step father was going to literally kill me. "Wait!" Michael called out following close behind. "What's wrong?" He asked quickly stepping in front of me, blocking my path. "Nothing, I just have to get going." I quickly replied giving no eye contact.

He sighed and slowly stepped out of my way. "No hug?" He asked in a sad tone. I hugged him and it was probably the most awkward hug ever! "Well, bye." I spoke once we let go. I quickly walked around him not wanting to stand there like a deer in headlights any longer. I bumped into Marlon, not paying attention to where I was going. "Oh, leaving so soon?" He asked, pouting. I couldn't help but giggle at this. "Yeah, I have to head back home." I replied gesturing towards the door. "Miss you already." He spoke up pulling me into a very strong embrace. "I can't breathe." I was able to squeal out, trying to gasp for air. He let go and we both laughed. "Bye Marlon Michael." With that I left. Mentally preparing myself for the beat down I would soon endure.

Michael's Point of view

As soon as the door closed I turned to Marlon and peered through his soul. I wanted to stab him. "How could you?" I asked in a hoarse tone. Trying to hold back my emotions. "What did I do?" Marlon asked smiling brightly. "You know damn well what you did! How could you kiss her on the Ferris wheel. You know how I feel about Rayne!" I yelled making him back up a bit. He looked confused for a moment and then a smile slowly crept across his features. I wanted to punch him in the face. "Yea so what? You abandoned her for Brooke. I'm just looking out for her." He disgusted me at this point. "Oh please you just want to get in her pants!" I stepped closer to him with my fists balled up. "Michael, calm down. Now let's be realistic here. You value your friendship right? If you tried to FINALLY tell her how you feel, you'd only ruin your friendship. What if she doesn't like you?" I began to feel insecure.

But there was no way I was going to let him know that. "Stay away from her Marlon, I'm serious." I warned pointing a finger at his chest. "Are you jealous? Because I got to kiss her first?" I didn't think, I just acted my fist went flying towards his face. Only to be stopped by Joseph. He roughly pushed me away from Marlon. We both knew better than to let my father know what was going on. "What the hell is going on?!" My father yelled, getting into our faces. "Nothing." Marlon quickly replied, giving Joseph no eye contact. "Michael?!" He asked stepping closer to me. I shook my head looking down at the ground. "Look at me when I'm talking to you boy! What are you two fittin' to fight over? This better not be about some girl! You letting a woman come between our family?!" He was such a hot head.

Any excuse to yell and he took it. "Nothing is going on Joseph. We were just playing around." Marlon spoke before slowly walking away. I quickly walked away not wanting to talk to Joseph. "Get back here boy!" He yelled making me cringe. This was all Marlon's fault. "Yes Joseph?" I asked walking back over to where he stood. "What are you fighting with your brother about? Don't lie to me boy." I began to shift back and forth nervously, not wanting to tell him. "It's nothing really." I replied, stuttering a bit. "Boy." He growled getting ready to raise his hand. "Marlon and I were fighting over Rayne. He knows that I like her and he keeps messing with me." I replied unable to meet his gaze. "If that girl is causing any problems with in our household than she doesn't need to be-." "Look  Joseph it's not her fault, I'm not bringing her into this." I cut him off knowing what he was going to say next.

"If I hear anymore about this, she aint coming over anymore. You hear?" I rolled my eyes completely fed up with him. "I'll be gone soon." I mumbled under my breath. "What was that?!" He asked quickly stepping to me. I jumped back, taken back by the sudden tone. "Nothing Joseph." I replied before walking away. I had to get out of here.  

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