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"Someone's beating Rayne! I found her bruised and bloody!"  Brooke yelled.What did she just say? I looked over at Rayne and she was just as shocked as I was.
"Pardon?" I asked.
"w-what are you talking about Brooke?" Rayne asked.
"You know exactly what Im talking about!"Brooke yelled.

Rayne sat there for a few seconds looking at the floor. I was about to ask her was it true but all of a sudden she got up and ran out the room. I automatically ran after her. She ran upstairs to one of the bathrooms and shut the door and locked it. I started banging on the door. But she wouldn't answer.
"Rayne open the door, please. Just talk to me please, let me in." there was still no reply. I started to get worried until I heard her crying.

I wanted to bust the door down. I can't stand to hear Rayne cry.
"Why does she hate me so much? I did nothing to her. Why would she say that?" Rayne said through tears. My heart was breaking just hearing this. I know she was talking about Brooke. I didn't care about Brooke at that moment I only cared about what she said.
"Rayne, is someone beating you? Why did Brooke find you like that?" the words came out calm but inside I was angry.

If someone was hurting her she would tell me... right? No she wouldn't hide something like that from me. But what about all the bruises she has almost every day. She has excuses for all of them. But they are mostly her saying she fell or she ran into something.Why won't she let me know where she lives and why haven't I ever met her parents. Is Rayne being abused at home? No she would tell me. I told her about my abuse with Joseph, so she would tell me.
"Rayne, please answer me." I was begging at this point. 

Rayne's Point of View

Shit shit shit shit shit. What am I gonna do. That spoiled bitch sold me out. Phil would kill me if I told anyone what he does. He would even try to hurt Michael. I can't let that happen. GOSH WHY ME. I started to cry harder. I could lose my mother. She would disown me if I told on her husband. He has a lot of stuff against him.

He is an abuser, he has warrants, he sells drugs, and does drugs, not to mention the fact that he has some people after him because he tried to screw them over on drug deals. I could ruin his life but I choose not to for my mom. I know I sound stupid but she is all I got.
"Rayne, is someone beating you? Why did Brooke find you like that?" Michael asked outside the door. I didn't know what to say. I hated that blackmailing stuck-up bitch so much.
"Rayne, please answer me." He begged. 

"She just saw a bloody nose Michael. I get them a lot. And there were no bruises they were dirt stains. I tripped on something at home and fell in the dirt. I don't know why she tried to make something out of nothing. I knew this was a bad idea to come here. I wanna go home."
"No Rayne I'm not letting you leave. We need to talk about this. Now let me in." he demanded. 
"Just go back to your dinner with Brooke and just let me leave ok I'm sorry I even intruded on you two."

"You're not leaving. You might as well let me in cause I'm not letting you leave this house." He screamed.
"We'll see about that." I screamed back at him.This guy would not give up. I looked around for an escape. I saw a window that was big enough for me to jump through. I went to the window and lifted it up. It made a loud screeching noise.
"Rayne what the hell are you doing in there. Open up now!" he actually sounded angry but I'm on a mission and that's mission get the hell out of here. I crawled out of the window and looked down. Damn I forgot I'm afraid of heights. Why did I have to run up stairs?

I held on to the gutters above me and slowly walked away from the window. Maybe I could get to another open window. This was so stupid.
"RAYNE, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I heard Michael scream below me. I looked down to see a panicked Michael. I guess he knew I would jump out the window. He started yelling things like be careful, and watch your step. I was scared out of my mind but the look on Michael's face made me want to laugh. And I did. I laughed so hard I lost my balance and went tumbling down.

"RAYNE!!!" Michael screamed running over to me at lightning speed.  I had already landed in a bed of bushes so I didn't really get hurt. I scraped myself up really good though.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you ever do that again girl what were you thinking?" he held me in his arms while rocking me. He was shaking and still yelling at me about how I could have killed myself. I tuned him out and thought about what I had just done. I started giggling and then I started laughing.

"What are you laughing at Rayne this ain't funny you could have gotten hurt!" Michael yelled but I only laughed harder. I couldn't help myself. I even snorted. That's when Michael gave up and joined in. we sat there laughing for the longest. In each other's arms.  We then stared at each other as our laughter calmed down. His finger rubbed my check and our faces inched closer.

OMG he's gonna kiss me. YESYESYESYES.
"Michael what is going on?" a pissed off Brooke said standing behind us. He snatched away from each other and stood to our feet.
"Nothing Brooke, we were just-"
"About to make out?" she interrupted. Why is she trippin it's not like she's his girlfriend.
"Is this how you treat your guest? Hu? You invite me over for a romantic dinner, and then you leave me for another girl just to be caught almost kissing her?

And why her.... I mean, you told me on the phone that she was nothing more than a friend. You said you have no feelings for her at all and you couldn't see yourself with her and that you wanted me because I'm more attractive. So explain yourself." I just died a little. He said all that stuff about me? He really sees me as nothing but a friend?  

He told her she was more attractive than me? I looked at him and he just stared at me with watery eyes which meant that she was telling the truth. He had nothing to say. Why was he even talking about me like that with her?  I felt betrayed. Michael and I just stood there staring at each other. I felt something that I never felt before when I looked at him.......anger.   

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