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Michaels Point of View

I don't know why I keep calling Brooke. I hope I'm not giving her the wrong impression. I love Rayne, I wanna be with Rayne. She is my everything but what can I do. She likes Marlon and its all my fault. Maybe I should talk to her. If I tell her how I feel maybe she might actually feel the same. What am I thinking? A girl like Rayne could never love me like that. I mean look at me. I'm hideous. My skin is starting to get these spots on it, people are always looking at me funny and now that my nose is changed I still feel insecure. I always thought I was ugly. My father had a hand in that. He always called me ugly, or said my nose was too big. He even said I didn't look like I was part of the family. 

I always hated my looks and not even my mother could make that go away. Not even Diana could make me feel different but when I'm with Rayne, I forget about that stuff. She doesn't judge me. I can't wait to see her today but it will be awkward with Brooke here. I still don't know why I invited her to dinner. I like her but not like that. I think I just have her around to make Rayne jealous but that's not really working because I still want Rayne. I need to tell Rayne how I feel. I need it to be special. Maybe Grammy night? Yeah, I will do that. She has to know how I feel before she moves on with Marlon.

My thoughts were interrupted by my ringing phone. Who could this be? I hope its Rayne.


"Michael darling it's been too long." Oh no. I know that voice. NO NO NO NO NO NO!

"Diana what do you want?" I said in a snappy tone. She just laughed.

"Oh Michael you're not still mad are you hun?"

"I'll ask you again. WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I asked getting angry.

"Well I missed you. You can't ignore me forever darling. I called to wish you luck at the Grammy's. I will be there so maybe I can wish you luck personally. "She said in a seductive tone.

I almost wanted to throw up. How dare this woman think everything is ok? She completely destroyed me and she broke my heart.

"Look Diana I don't mean to be rude but you have no reason to call me anymore. Have you forgotten what you did to me? Huh? Have you forgotten how I gave you everything just so you can stomp on my heart?"

"Michael darling I-"

"Stop calling me darling. I am not your darling, not your hun, I'm not your man, and I'm not even your friend so have a nice life cause I won't be a part of it." With that I hung up the phone.

I began to cry my eyes out. I can say all this stuff to her but my heart still loves her. Hearing her voice after these long two years made my heart pound. I don't want to admit it but it was good hearing that voice.  I needed Rayne right now. She is the only one who can pull me out of this trance. She'll make me laugh by saying something like ‘Tell that bitch to suck your dick' or ‘she can rot in the dirtiest pit of hell'. I hope she gets here fast. I need her. I want her arms around me, and her warm body against mine. I need her embrace. Forget Brooke, I just need my Raynie.

Rayne's Point of View

This damn limo couldn't go faster?  This girl will not shut up about Michael. Plus all the stuff she saying is wrong. She doesn't know anything about him. All she knows is the famous side of him not him as a person. I want to karate chop her in her throat. But she knows someone beat me. I'm glad she doesn't know who but if she tells Michael then he will expect something. Two beatings in two days, what are the odds? 

I put on my make up covering my bruises while she rambled on. She even gave me another shirt to wear which I thought was nice at first but then she insulted my since of fashion. Is this what Latoya was talking about? No, this can't be the woman Michael loved, because Michael deserves better. He deserves someone sweet, someone who will love him for him, someone who will be there for him no matter what, someone like me. I deserve to be with Michael. I can make him happy.

"So how did a sexy man like Michael end up meeting a peasant like you?" Brooke asked interrupting my thoughts. Peasant? Really? What is this medieval times or something? Somebody has been calling her princess too many times in her life.

"We actually meet back in 79. At a concert he and his brothers were doing. We met backstage and after that we couldn't be separated." I said with a smile on my face.

"Well you know that now I'm in his life, I think you need to back off. He shouldn't be distracted with another woman, because when I'm with a man, he has no other females in his life. Sometimes I exclude their mother."

Is this girl serious? Like really? She will have to kill me before she takes me away from Michael permanently. I said I would back off a little but not all the way. I need him. He is my Mikey not hers. I got to tell him this. I can't keep my feelings away forever. I know the perfect night. I'm gonna tell him Grammy night, because I know he is gonna wanna celebrate with me. He needs to know how I feel. He also needs to know my secret. I will tell him all this when that night comes. According to Michael, that is in three weeks. Wow I need a dress. I need to wow him. I WILL get my man and nobody is gonna stop me now. Not my stepdad, not Brooke, and for damn sure not Diana.

We arrived t the house and my heart was pumping like crazy. I didn't want to face him like this. Confused, angry, and most of all in pain.  We pulled into the gates and he stood by the fountain that wrapped round the entrance. Brooke caught  glimpse of him and began to smile almost immediately. "Do me a favor, stay out of the way." With that she stepped out of the car and moved towards him. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to her. I got out of the limo and stood there, wondering when this cheesy greet would be over. 

"Michael weakly hugged Brooke and then came walking over to me. Before I could say anything his arms were wrapped around me, holding me tight. "What's wrong?" I asked, sensing that something was wrong." He pulled away and looked back at Brooke before answering. "Nothing, nothing's wrong." Something was definitely wrong, he just didn't want to say it in front of Brooke. "So Michael! Ready to eat?" Brooke asked, giving me a cold glare. "Uh, yea sure Brooke." He replied flashing his priceless smile.

I couldn't help but wonder why her? She was such a diva. We walked into the dining room and sat down. There were candles lit on the table, and the lights were dimmed. I took the hint. "Uh, I think I'll just go find the brothers or something." I spoke, beginning to stand up. He quickly grabbed my arm, shaking his head no. "Stay, please." I could see the pained look in his eyes. I slowly sat back down. "Are you excited about the Grammys?" Brooke asked taking the attention off of me, which I was kind of grateful for. "Yea I can't wait." He quickly replied before turning back to me. 

"Why were you outside, in the middle of nowhere?" He asked, with concerned eyes. "Just wanted to take a walk." I replied, shifting my gaze from him to Brooke. "I'd wish you'd take a hike." Brooke mumbled under her breath. She was seriously getting on my nerves. The food was served and we began to eat. I couldn't help but feel like a third wheel. "So I'm guessing that you're going to the award show with Marlon, now that you're dating and all." I spit my juice out not expecting him to say such a thing. "Who's dating?! Me and Marlon?!" I asked completely caught off guard.

"I saw you guys kissing on the Ferris Wheel, there's no need to deny it." I was so confused. "Sure do get around don't you." Brooke asked, once again mumbling under her breath. I chose to ignore it. "No! I didn't kiss Marlon! He was getting something out of my eye." Michael became extremely angry. "Marlon." He growled, shaking his head. "She's grown, if she wants to be with him let her be with him." Brooke spoke butting into a conversation that had nothing to do with her. 

"Do you want to be with him?" Michael asked, I noticed that his eyes saddened. I slowly shook my head no, slightly smirking. "I only see him as a friend." I replied. I thought long and hard before speaking again. "I would never, do that to you Michael. You're far more important to me." He smiled brightly and we shared a serious moment. Eyes locked on one another as if our lives depended on it. "Someone's beating Rayne! I found her bruised and bloody!" Brooke yelled catching both Michael and I off guard. What the hell?!

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