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Call me Minnie. Talk to me, please.

I'll call you..


Seungmin hesitates as he pushes the call button, using Instagram and not giving out his phone number. He quickly turns the camera off, he is sobered up a little bit from earlier. He was stressed and had started drinking some of his mothers alcohol , which he knows he shouldn't have, but at the time it seemed like a good idea.

It rings for a moment before a Hyunjin appears on the screen, only Hyunjin can't see Seungmin because his camera is off.



"Awe you're voice is so cute!"

Seungmin blushes. "N–nooo!"

"Yessss! But, are you okay? Why where you... Drinking?"

Seungmin sighs. "I...don't know. At the moment, it seemed like a good idea to drink my problems away, but I know it wasn't."

"Can you... Talk to me about them?"

"I...I don't know... Its hard to.. Especially with this stuff.."

"Of course, baby. I won't push you to tell me."

Seungmin blushes at the nickname. "Y–you just called m–me baby.." He giggles.

"Yeah, because you're a baby! Hehe."

"I am not!" Seungmin pouts.

"Fine, then you're my baby." Hyunjin smiles and laughs. And Seungmin swears he felt his heart stop, because Hyunjins laugh and smile is the cutest thing he's ever seen.

"Y–your laugh and smile are c–cute!" Seungmin giggles. Hyunjin blushes, looking away from the camera.

"I can't wait to see and hear yours, baby."

A/n: this story is going to shit already. I apologize.

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