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{Full chapter}

Seungmin drove to the movie theater. He had asked Felix to pick him up but Felix told him no. He wouldn't give him a reason why, which Seungmin found weird but shrugged it off. He was excited to be able to hangout with all his friends, especially Hyunjin. He hasn't seen him in a few days.

As Seungmin arrived to the movie theater, singing along to Day6's I Smile he recognized a figure leaning against the wall. "Hyunjin's here already!" He says, turning his music down. He looked around as he parked the car, not seeing any of his friends. As he got out, he was tackled into a hug. "Minnie!" Hyunjin yells in Seungmins ear. Seungmin smiles and hugged Hyunjin back.

"Hi Jinnie!" Seungmin says. When they pull away Seungmin asks, "where's everyone else? I thought they'd be here by now.."

"Chan said that Woojin and Jeongin where sick and he had to take care of them. Minho told me that Jisung hurt his finger while jumping on their bed, and I don't know about Felix." He answers. Seungmin pouts, which Hyunjin coos at.

"So its just us two?" Hyunjin nods. Seungmin blushes. Just us two. Together. Alone watching a movie. Wouldn't this count as a date? Or...no.. Its just two "bros" hanging out. Yeah...

"Let's go!" Hyunjin says, pulling Seungmin in to get their movie tickets, popcorn and drinks. "What kind of drink do you want?" Hyunjin asks, his finger under his chin as he looks over at Seungmin.

"Sprite, please." Seungmin says, smiling at him. Hyunjin quickly turns around and tells the dude at the counter what to get them. When they get their tickets and drinks and popcorn, the walk to the movie they are seeing. Five Feet Apart.

"I've been wanting to see this for a while." Seungmin whispers to Hyunjin as they look for their seats.

“Me too.” Hyunjin whispers back, once they find their seats. There aren’t many people since its the second time the movie is playing that day, and most people already saw it earlier that afternoon. The commercials before the movie where playing as Seungmin thought about something to bring up as a conversation for the time being. He looked around and noticed a group of 7 boys sitting a few rows behind him. He couldn’t see their faces but they looked familiar. He decided to ask Hyunjin about it, because they were giving him the creeps. “Hyunjin, who are they?” Seungmin asks, pointing his head towards the seven boys seated behind him. Hyunjin looks behind him towards the boys.

Hyunjin sighs. “That’s our “friends”.” Hyunjin says turning back around. Seungmin tilts his head, sorta looking like a puppy. “It was a set up, Minnie. They are trying to do this as a “date” for us.” Hyunjin explains. Seungmin makes an “o” shape with his mouth, blushing a little, knowing that it technically counts as a date now that they know it’s supposed to be one.

“O-oh, okay..” He whispers, looking at the screen. The room darkened a little bit as the movie began playing. Hyunjin looked over at Seungmin who has a smile on his face. He looks at his eyes that seem to sparkle, but was actually just the movies glare, and his puffy cheeks and his pink lips. He looked down at his hand, tempted to hold it. It’s supposed to be a date right? So, why not? Hyunjin laces their fingers together, smiling and blushing as he looks up at Seungmin's reaction. Seungmin is looking down at his lap with a noticeable blush on his face.

“You’re cute.” Hyunjin blurts out. Seungmin lightly hits his arm. “I’m not cute.” He replies. “If anything, I’m an adorable puppy, now shut up and watch the movie.” Hyunjin chuckles at his response, turning around to look at their friends. Felix and Jisung where both hitting each other's arm and whispering stuff about how “cute” the two are while their boyfriends roll their eyes with their heads in their hands. Probably regretting dating them. 
“If this is a date, let’s make the most of it, yeah?” Hyunjin whispers, already planning out the rest of the days events. Seungmin blushes a nods his head, not really paying attention to the movie anymore.

Finished: 6:45 pm


Fuck sorry for waiting for like 6 hours lmao
I had a bad fight with my dad last night and if the glass on the floor doesn't say so then idk what does

Fuck sorry for waiting for like 6 hours lmaoI had a bad fight with my dad last night and if the glass on the floor doesn't say so then idk what does

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Should I go live at all? Account I'd go live on → @taehyungsdiccc23 (Instagram obvi)

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