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Jinnie, did Channie invite you to go hangout this weekend? Felix just asked me

Yeah, he just asked me as well
But something seems off
You've never meet Chan nor Jeongin why do you think they want to me nOw

Hmm idk maybe to be friendly? I know Woojin always said "I'm not letting you meet my bfs blahblahblah" yknow but he never meant it.

But at least I get to spend more time with you^^

That's so cheesy omg

Yeah, but you like it admit it!

No, I don't.

Liar. I know you do.

Cereal question!
What's your favorite flavored ice cream?

Did you really just say cereal 😂👏

Yes now answer my question!

Well lately I've been onto strawberry a lot, so strawberry

Really? I always took you as a vanilla type guy

I mean, I could be vanilla but I'm sure you're into kinks and all that ;))

Omg don't do that!

Why? Is it because it's true?

What no! Just shhhhhh
I'm going to take a shower and then go to sleep. I have to be up early for tests.

Okay :((
Bye baby

Don't call me baby >~<
Goodnight, Hyunjin.
Seen 5:27 pm
I love you|
I love yo|
I love|
I lo|

Finished: 10:20 am


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