I have an announent to make...

1K 29 1

Hey guys, I haven't updated this thing since last year, wow.

So I know I kept saying I'd make a second book but I've decided not to. Im stressed and just no motivation to write what was the original plot for the second book.

I really really appreciate you guys being so patient with me and such! If you want, go check out my other stories + I have more coming soon~! I love you guys so much!!!

Thanks for 136k reads and 6k votes you guys mean so much to me, this book basically made my writing hobby bounce up, y'all are amazing.

Stay safe!!

I love you💗
Happy pride month🏳️‍🌈👑
You're loved and valid
Be yourself!!
Don't be afraid!


Mystery Boy-SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now