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{Short full chapter}

"Felix! Why in the world would I cheat on you?! I love you too much for that!" Changbin yells at Felix, who was standing on the other side of the shared room of Changbin and Chan.

"Really? Then explain why there's hickeys all over you're arms and stomach and thighs!" Felix retorts back at him.

"I already told you!"

"Well I'm not going to believe you're shitty lies! Why the fuck would he do that?" Felix says, quieter this time, but still nearly in a yell. Changbin sighs, rubbing his temples, the migraine already coming. On top of all the stress the nine boys are under and then this adding on top of it, was not healthy. For any one.

"Felix.." He mutters lowly. He hears Felix scoff, cursing some words in English, before lifting his head and staring into Changbins' eye's, hurt and anger in them, tears brimming the corners.

"What? You gonna tell me you love me? You probably said that to whoever you slept with last night." Felix retorts. Changbin shakes his head, curling up in a ball, his head between his knees, speaking quietly.

"Why.. Why would I cheat on you?" He says, tears rolling down his puffy tan skin.

"How am I supposed to know. You're the one that cheated, not me." Felix responds harshly, leaving the room, the door slamming closed behind him. Changbin looks up at where Felix was just standing.

"I didn't cheat.." He whispers, choking out a sob. He pulls a pillow to his chest, laying on his side, staring blankly at the wall across him, tears still flowing. A few sobs still escape his mouth, despite trying keeping his mouth closed.

Changbin in all honesty would rather fight with Felix then be apart from him. They where stuck together, attached to each others hip, always together. He couldn't be away from him. He didn't want to be away from him. He just wanted to cuddle the younger and tell him how beautiful, smart, cute, and amazing he is.

"Why.." Changbin sobs out, he muffles his cries into the pillow, making sure no one heard him. Why was all Changbin had cried before falling asleep, his dreams filled with nothing, the same exact thing he woke up too. Nothing. No Felix, no good morning kisses, no wake up calls from Felix's deep voice. Absolutely nothing. Just the darkness of the room, a small light coming from the closed door. Probably Chan, He thought.

"Am I just not enough.." He thought as he stared at his reflection from the TV in front of him. "Does he think I'm some fuck boy now?" No, that's stupid. We aren't in high school anymore. Changbin tells himself. He sighs, laying back down and closing his eyes.

"Maybe something good will happen tomorrow..." He whispers before falling asleep again, not noticing the figure standing at the door, waiting for him to go back to one of their beds.

"He can't even platonically sleep with me." Felix mutters, turning away.

The dorms are going to be one hell of a mess these next few days.

Finished: 12:36 AM


I'm tired and I'm meeting a with a friend tomorrow.
I'm actually really emotional rn and really wanna cry and I really wanna cuddle with somone :((

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