~3 Side affects~

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Part 3

When we got to maths I immediately addressed the elephant in the room "What where you doing at the hospital yesterday?" "Oh i was at the hospital they wanted to check me over and book when I'm going to be in hospital to start chemotherapy I dunno if that's how you spell it but you get what I mean. "When are you starting it?" "Monday I was surprised it was done so quickly but if I want to stay alive I have to try it whether it works or not come around my house later."


When we got to Dianne's Rina started dosing her up on tablets. While I sat there helplessly when Rina had finished Dianne led me to her room where we began to chat.  Before long the tablets began to kick in and that's when Dianne's mum Rina came up to speak to me. "Hey Joe can I have a word outside" she asks "yes of course" I get up and walk to the door where she's stood. "Basically as you may know the tablets are kicking in now and that means Dianne's going to go really hyper" she says. "Ok that's fine. Is it funny to watch?" "It's really funny but you laugh and Dianne goes mad" "I just want to say Rina I know your probably having a hard time looking after her but your doing a really good job" I could see tears forming in her eyes before she begins to speak "It isn't just me her brothers are a really big help and Mark drives us back and forth" she replies. After a while of talking I go back into Dianne's room she's led on the floor kicking her legs up to the sky, I laugh quietly before siting besides her. "Yoooooooooooooooooooooooo" she says. "You okay?" "Perfectly fine" she begins to proper belly laugh before her eldest brother comes in "oh she's high. I will speak to her later"we both laugh at his remark before he leaves. I pull her up so she's sat up straight before she jumps onto my lap. "Bored of that now" she says. She lies on the bed after a while she sits up in a less hyperistic  (Idk how to spell) mood before giving me a hug. I receive a text form the boys group chat.

Josh 👨🏻‍🦰- Hello. Wondering if anyone wanted to come round?
Oli👴🏼-On my way.
Jack🧑🏼-Me and Connor will be there soon.
Casper🤪-Have footy then be round.
Mikey😳-Yep I will come.
Joe-Sorry no I'm busy.
Conor🥴-Hou what2 u doungz?
Joe-At a friends.
Mikey😳-We are your friends.
Joe-Sorry guys. 😬
Josh👨🏻‍🦰-You will be.
Joe-At least I can spell CONOR 😂🖕🖕

I put the phone down just as Dianne's brother Brendan comes in again. "I see your not high anymore" he laughs, she turns the colour of her hair. "Anyway I got something to tell you" "go on" "your going to be a Auntie" a wide grin appears on her face before is suddenly goes smaller. "What's wrong" "I may never even meet the child" she says "she's 7 months I think you might" "is it a girl or a boy?" "A little girl. Mia Buswell."

I couldn't believe it I was going to be a Auntie. When Brendan left I gave Joe a lingering hug. "Will you stay with me tonight" I say hardly audible. "If your dads ok with it" I laugh "he will be fine."


Monday came round quickly. I was getting things ready because I dint know how long I would be in hospital for. I had my favourite teddy that my grandma knitted me before she died. I have called it teddy since I had it so that's his name. Joe was taking art at school and they had to stitch something so he made a little top to put on teddy he sprayed some of his cologne on it before hand so it smelt like him which would comfort me. I had my phone my charger and just a few essentials I knew I would definitely need. My brothers came and gave me a hug before leaving for collage and work. Andrew was training to be a professional dancer like I wanted to be and Brendan was already a professional dancer. I got in the car cuddled in a blanket that smelt of Joe from the other night and drifted of into a light sleep. We got to the hospital about a hour later and checked in. I had a text from Joe I read it and instantly smiled. I knew he wasn't my boyfriend but I wish he was.

I walked into school not seeing Dianne with Amy and Chloe but then it clicked that she started her therapy today I needed to make sure Amy and Chloe were ok which they probably weren't as there best friend has just gone into hospital. "Hey girls. You probably don't wanna see my right now but...well I have become closer with Dianne and it's really paining me to know what she is going through probably just as much as me. So can we put the past behind us and all stay together and you come and sit at our table and we start fresh we need to get this for Dianne whatever happens." We all have tears in our eyes so I pull them into a hug. "Of course we can Joe. For Dianne's sake" Chloe says. "For Dianne" Amy replies. "I will speak to the boys ok and then you can sit with us whether they like it or not" I decide to text Dianne and her mum to make sure they were ok so I found the boys sat around a circular table and text them.

Joe😍🥰- G'Day Di. Hope everything goes to plan today. Text me how you are everyone is missing you already. Amy and Chloe are understandably very quiet. We are all behind you with this and we will make sure your ok whatever the cause, speak to you soon. Stay strong ❤️x

Dianne😍😘-Good morning Joe. Thank you so much it means a lot tell the girls I will be perfectly fine and they can come and see me in a few days when it hopefully it is all in my system and working properly 💗xx

Joe😍🥰-I will do. There gonna sit with us whether the boys like it or not. I best let you go come and visit you soon ok? 💖💖xxx

Joe-Good morning Rina. I hope everything goes to plan today with Dianne she is a amazing person and deserves everything good to happen to her. Can you let me know how she is? X

Rina-Hello Joe. Thank you for having so much concern. I will let you know doctors say as she's so long it may be hard just for her to have Chemotherapy without her being in pain. Just keep us in your prayers. Xx

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