~39 Im sorry~

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I knew Dianne was coming so now it was just a waiting game. I wasn't sure how to react when she got here but I knew I would have to face her. I was chatting to Stacey when I saw her I looked at Amy and she looked at me she gave me a reassuring nod and I continued talking to Stacey. We were soon called together and I sat by Stacey trying to keep my distance with Dianne. She had not made eye contact with me yet thank god. I don't think I will ever be able to look into her eyes again. I still love her. She left one day and never came back.

Amy had messaged me telling me Joe was here. I just about managed to make it to the studio on time Harry was abusing me before I left. I think he left a bruise on my back I'm gonna have to get Amy to have a look for me.

We were all sat when the producers said they wanted to put us with people to see who they wanted to be partnered together.

I got put with Lee at first he seemed like a genuinely nice guy and a bit of a laugh. Then I got paired with Danny who then got switched and put with Amy but Amy was dancing with Joe.

Joe slowly walked over 'I'm sorry' I say as he comes next to me. He just shakes his head. I sigh what was the most important thing in my life won't forgive me.  I have a huge secret nobody knows about though.

We start dancing and as soon as I get close to Joe I smell his Cologne from all those years ago. I really miss him.

He was being really stubborn and not looking into my eyes. I can understand why I hurt him.

We finished training for the day when Dianne came up to me. 'I'm sorry' she says like she did earlier. I just shake my head I can't be dealing with this. Tomorrow I'm getting a partner which I'm already stressed about.

'Joe?!' She says louder I ignore her but this attracts everyone's attention.

'Dianne don't do this now. You hurt him and he doesn't wanna speak to you' Amy says coming closer to us.

I pick up my bags after getting a notification from my phone that my Uber was just sent and walked outside.

I could sense someone near me but I didn't know who.

"It's okay Joe. She's had a tough time" I hear a welsh accent say. Amy I think.

"She had a tough time?! I have missed her so bloody much Amy! Everything in my house that is hers is the same as when she left. Nothing has moved I can't bring myself to do it"

"I know Joe. She has no common sense. Well it wasn't her fault. She was forced"

My Uber pulled up all the way home them words kept playing in my head 'Well it wasn't her fault she was forced.' By who? When? Why?

Hey sorry it's been 5 days I have been busy should be back to normal now.

20 days till I see Di!! 😭❤️

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