~8 opening up~

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Today we were doing our hero speech I decided to do mine on Natalie she looked after me at the hospital and was always there If I needed to speak to someone. This also means though opening up to my class. Luckily its Friday and I start Chemotherapy again on Monday and so people wont be pestering me and if they do it will only be for lunch and last lesson it was finally my time to go up so I walked up to the front and began my speech.

'My hero is Natalie.' As soon as i say that i see Joe's face drop but I give him a reasuring nod to tell him that i'm ready to share it. 'Natalie is a nurse. She helps young teenagers that are going through cancer. You may be wondering how I know her. Well three weeks ago I got diagnosed with Cancer, I started my chemotherapy when I was off last week and I was a state, I would constantly be passing out and I was not my self. Although times were tough Natalie got me through them. You all thought that my hair is red because i died it. That is not the truth, i had to have my hair shaved off and this is just a wig from teenage cancer support'

By the end tears were streaming down my face and Mrs molly was crying as well I looked over at my group to see them in pieces before Mrs Molly began to speak. 'Wow Dianne. That is such a strong message and were sorry you had to go through that. We will do anything to help remember. When do you start chemotherapy again?' 'Monday' 'Well we wish you good luck and thank you for that Dianne'

At lunch we all sat down and began talking before Mrs Morris asks me to go to her office. So I get up quickly and walk there. She welcomes me in with a warm smile. 'So Dianne Mrs Molly recorded your speech as she did everyone else and sent it to me over email, so what I have done I have out you in for medical all next week is that correct?' 'Yes it is' 'Okay Dianne you can leave now thank you for your time and remember how many people are behind you.' I stand up and go outside only to be shocked because Joe is stood there.


'That's a amazing idea Joe of course we can do that you can have the assembly in front of the whole school on Monday first thing so we can get this going, I hope it works.' 'Thank you miss, Dianne will be really happy when she finds out' 'It's okay Joe make sure the boys are up to doing it with you.' 'Thank you Miss'

This is getting really intense 😂

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