Chapter 12 - Minimal progress

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Harry marched into the office once more the next day and just by the look on his face Gavin could tell that he had had another letter. The paper in his hand also gave it away.

"Another threat I assume, Harry?" Gavin asked when Harry entered his office. 

"Yes sir. This one's worse. The guy knows that we're onto him and has threatened that we'll get a 'surprise'. It also says that we'll dislike it but he'll enjoy it so that leads me to conclude that it will be bad." Harry replied. 

"Ok Harry. Can I see the letter and then we can work out what needs to be done." 

After Gavin had read the letter he and Harry decided to warn those affected by the letter to be on their guard. No one was to go out after dark because it was easiest to be captured then. People were to stay in busy areas and not to go anywhere with strangers. The kids (for those that had them) had to be with an adult at all times that knew the dangers they were in. These measures may have seen drastic but with a possible murderer on the loose they were necessary. The problem was that now they had had multiple threats and it was unlikely to be a prank from a teenager, especially when they knew that the Auror department was looking for them. Finally, as Harry and his family and friends were some of the most well known people in the wizarding world, they had to be kept safe. 


All affected by the letter were subsequently warned and the rules followed to the letter. Everyone was on a rota for looking after the children and they always travelled in groups when they went into work. 

Again, the letter was examined but this time the ink and parchment could be found all over the country and given the amount of shops that sold the ink and parchment (and given that a number of them were in some of the busiest streets for shopping - such as one in Diagon Alley - and other numerous shops all over the country) there really was no point in trying to find out some of the descriptions of the people who had bought things recently at the shops.

This time the letter was checked for fingerprints (given that only three people had touched the letter at this point, other than the blackmailer) but only the fingerprints of Ginny, Harry and Gavin were found on the paper.

The owl feather was subsequently traced to an owl post office in the far north of England. A description of people who had used the owl that had delivered the message was given and even though some of the descriptions matched they weren't detailed enough for the Aurors to get a good look at who they were tracking. So, to actually find out who was blackmailing Harry they would need to get more blackmail. 

So, by the end of the week the progress that the Aurors had made was minimal and tiring. Add onto that the stress of possibly having your loved ones captured Harry was exhausted by the end of the week and all he really wanted to just snuggle up in bed with Ginny. 


That evening, Harry came home from work to find the house free of the sounds of children and his wife. 

Whenever he came home normally there was at least the sounds of his wife bustling about the house or the smell of food cooking when he came home late.

But today there was nothing.

Normally if the children were still up they'd be busy making a racket with their toys or they'd be making a mess upstairs, downstairs or anywhere in the house.

But today there was nothing.

Usually when he came home there would be at least someone to greet him. Either Lily running up to hug his legs in the way that made him smile or she would put on her dazzling smile and hold out her hands ready to be lifted into his arms. There might have been one or all of the triplets coming to try to rugby tackle him and hug him. Or Ginny might walk calmly down the hallway into his arms and welcome him home with a kiss. 

But today there was no one. 

Only a letter on his kitchen table. 


A/N - oh cliffhangers are so much fun when you know what's coming next. 

Thank you so much for over 250 reads!!! I'm so happy. Thank you so much xx

Sorry about this being late but I was out when I was meant to be writing and travelling the day after so this has been the only time that I can really update since about Tuesday. Sorry again.

Holidays for me!! 

I'm going to New York in a few week and although I should have WiFi but the update may be late that week but we'll see. 

Thank you so much again. Please continue to read and vote and comment - it means loads to me.

~ Emma482 x

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