Chapter 9 - Questions, answers and a very happy newspaper company

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Using the floo in McGonagall's office, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, McGonagall, Remus, Tonks, Sirius, James, Lily, Dumbledore, Fred and the rest of the Weasley's travelled to the Ministry of Magic. With Harry leading, they marched (not quite in time) to Kingsley's office, knocked on the door and entered his office.

"Hello Harry, Ron and Hermione what can I do... ah." He spoke, looking up from some paperwork that he had to fill out and noticed the crowd gathered behind the trio including those who died and realised that the prophecy that had gone to the back of their minds, in a matter of seconds, was about to become right at the front again. Doubtless there would be many newspaper articles on this topic as soon  as it was announced to the public. "Follow me."

He led them to a large waiting room with a mysterious door at the other end of it and proceeded to speak, "All of those who have returned are now going to be put under questioning using veritaserum to make sure that you are not imposters. I hope that you consent to this," he paused to look at those in question who all nodded their heads, "this will be done in the room over here," he gestured to the now not-so-mysterious door, "separately. If you are all deemed to be yourselves then when you think it time and we have all the necessary preparations and precautions in place then this will be announced to the public."

Kingsley then took all off the people into the questioning room which was a bland room with only a desk and two chairs, stationed on either side of it and a bright light. He proceeded to ask questions such as, "What is your full name?", "Who are you parents full names?", "Who are you married to?" And also more personal questions to discern whether or not they were who they claimed to be. 

Finishing with Fred he came out, nodded and told everyone that all were who they said they were and it was up to them to decide when they wanted to tell the public the news. 

This invoked a long discussion on when this news should be revealed to the general Wizarding community. An hour later Harry said to Kingsley: "We have decided to let everyone get settled in again before announcing this. It won't be long as we don't want to keep us all, cooped up in our houses. About two days."

"Perfectly fine Harry, I assume that you, Ron and Hermione would like to take a few days off to help you all get settled in. I would also like to say that I am sure that the auror department would be happy to welcome Tonks back and all of our departments would be willing to offer you all jobs - even you Remus - which I hope that you would be willing to accept."

"Thank you minister, that is very kind of you but I think that we shall be heading off now." And with that the group all flooed back to Harry and Ginny's house where the kids were waiting with one of the new professors at Hogwarts. 

The adults were excited to meet the triplets. Sirius and James were identical with Lily's green eyes and black hair apart from that Sirius' hair was slightly tamer than James' and was also grown out longer like Sirius Black's. Remus was not identical to the twins, he had black hair but it had Ginny's slight wave to it and was slightly messy like Harry's. He also had Ginny's chocolate brown eyes. Sirius and James took after their elders. Even at the age of two they were already causing mischief. Ginny, if not Harry, was not entirely pleased. Remus was slightly quieter, he enjoyed being read to and although he had a mischievous streak it didn't make too much of an appearance. 

Sirius was thrilled that he and Sirius Potter had very similar hair as was James with James Potter II. They were also ecstatic that the boys shared their love of mischief and knew that the two of them were going to, with their help of course, turn out to be brilliant pranksters. Remus was pleased that Remus Potter was calmer and knew that he was going to be very smart but also be the brains behind the plans.

The girls were all enchanted with Lily Potter II. She had bright red hair and green eyes looking like a mix between Ginny and Lily, although with a few of Harry's facial features thrown in. 

The adults spent quite a lot of time fussing over Harry and Ginny's kids and also Ron and Hermione's children too.


Even though Harry, Ron and Hermione's days off were tiring (moving houses takes a great deal of effort) they were still very enjoyable. Fred moved into the apartment above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes that he and George originally shared and was getting ready to co-own the shop again. James, Lily and Sirius moved into the large house that the Potter's lived in before moving to Godric's Hollow (Sirius couldn't bear to be in 12 Grimmauld Place again) and all took jobs as aurors. Remus and Tonks moved into a cottage close to all of the others. Tonks resumed her old position as an auror and Remus joined her and his friends. Dumbledore moved into a secluded cottage that no one knew he owned. He was going to help McGonagall part time for the running of the school and also live in semi-retirement.

Once all of the legal work had been sorted with the department for magical law enforcement Kingsley and the others were ready to alert the newspapers.


Jack Lewis was rather surprised when there was a note on his desk about a press conference with Kingsley. But being the senior reporter for the Daily Prophet he gathered together a small team for the conference next Friday. 

The week passed quickly and soon enough he and his small team of photographers and journalists gathered into the conference room. He was rather surprised as to why Harry Potter, Ginevra Potter, Hermione Weasley, Ron Weasley, Professor McGonagall and some other red-headed folk were standing next to Kingsley but Jack didn't think much of it. 

"Could I have your attention please," Kingsley had started the conference. "You may remember the prophecy that came into being a few years ago about people returning from the dead. It's rather hard to explain this so I think showing you will be easiest." 

Out of one of the doors in the left hand side of the room seven people that no one had seen in years walked onto the stage. The whispers of chatter were gradually increasing when they realised who had just come out of the door. 

"I would like to welcome back Professor Dumbledore, Remus and Tonks Lupin, Sirius Black, Fred Weasley and James and Lily Potter!" Kingsley shouted. He had to above the loud chatter echoing through the room.

Oh Jack Lewis' boss was going to be so happy.


A/N - A new chapter ready for the weekend!

 Kinda getting into a schedule (will see how that goes). Another filler-ish chapter but things actually happen. Thinking of writing a bit more in this time period then either: a) continuing with this time period and having something happed and/or b) skipping into my next gen at Hogwarts. Please comment ant tell me what you would prefer and also give your opinions on this book.

Also, I wanted to thank you all so much for reading it means so much to me. I'd also like to thank RubyWrites14 for voting and bookworm6570 for adding this to two of their reading lists. Thank you so much to everyone x

~ Emma482 x

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