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I'm not going to say they all lived happily ever after. They did live great long lives, but it wasn't without arguments, trails, tears and a lot of mess. 

Lestrange was put in Azkaban and never came out again. He died some 20 years later.

Harry and Ron were both successful aurors by the time they retired. Hermione was minister for magic (and she did a much better job than fudge). Ginny become one of the most successful quidditch players ever.

Sirius and James rejoined the auror force and lily helped Hermione campaign for better rights fo muggle borns, house elves and other oppressed people. 

Remus helped invent a cure for lycanthropy but before he did that he campaigned for werewolves rights. Tonks remained in the auror force and Teddy was able to grow up with loving parents.

Dumbledore helped run hogwarts along with McGonagall.

The Weasley's were happily reunited and George couldn't keep the smile off his face - one that he'd been rarely seen in the past few months.

And when they all eventually died at old ages their time in the afterlife was filled with laughter, merriment and, of course, pranks.

After all they weren't called the marauders for nothing. 


Thank you for reading this - it means so much to me. 

I'm sorry this took so long to finish but life happened but thank you for getting this far. 

If you enjoyed this my new book has just had the first chapter published and I'm working on a one shots book (requests for that are open - I would love to know what you want me to write otherwise it is just the things in my head) 

Love you all, 

~ Emma482 xxx

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