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Ancient Bibles/direct sermons/ heaven/hell/sin/purgatory/ redemption/atonement/resurrection/forgiveness/pacifists

Christ are you there?

Or do you happen to be the figment of our imagination and we have all really gone mad because we are so desperate for answers.

Sometimes I feel as though being a Christian is scary; all the 'rules and regulations' for how to be a righteous Christian or else to hell you go.

why should I feel scared within my own religion?
If anything I should feel safe

Or is feeling scared what Christians supposedly call 'God fearing' ?

Almost having fear of the unknown but known, unexpected but expected.

The fright of a God that once walked the earth with Adam and Eve but once they disobeyed him it was as if he disappeared.


Christ are you there?

Torn and fumbled with my brain is-

Every religious belief has been emptied out of my skull and re-evaluated.

Does everything need an explanation or is it just a bunch of complication?

And why do we not believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and mermaids the same way we believe in the devil and God?

Maybe I've become agnostic:
Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable.

As Christians are we even supposed to agree with science and scientists? Or are we supposed to be against them because only God has the answers but what if God has blessed scientists to discover life changing cures to save lives. But what if scientists have gone too far and made up the Big Bang theory because they knew people would believe something that has such believable evidence and-


Christ are you there?


Poetic-ish I, began in 2017-2020.Where stories live. Discover now