The Despair Inducing Start

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This story contains spoilers for Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc!

Age - 5 Years Old

"J-Junko!" You whined as you chased behind the blonde haired girl.

Ever since I had met her.

  "Junko waaiiiit!"

She was always in front of me.

"Huh?" Her footsteps slowed.

But still...

Her head turned and she looked at you with soft blue eyes.

She was always there for me.

Age - 10 Years Old

"I'm just saying, Jun, we're not going to get far acting so... boring," You pointed out as you spun a silver ring around your finger.

"No, no listen to me, (Y/N)!" She leaned forward over the large map of Japan you had stolen, took her red marker and drew a large X over one of the cities, "If you can strike here... just here... think of all the money we could make! You would get enough money to fund our... er... project,"

She looked at you with large pleading eyes. You huffed and looked at the location she had written over. "Sumimoto Mitsui Trust Holdings?! That place has security that's way to tight!"

"But... don't you want to be the Ultimate Conwoman?" She titled her head to the side and let some faux tears slip from her eyes, "Can't you just do this? Just to help me? Please~?"

You blushed and looked away, "Fine," you stood from your chair, "but you owe me."

Age - 15

You knew what was going to happen. You knew. You knew. You knew.

You would step into that doorway and wake up in an unfamiliar classroom. Junko insisted on wiping your memory so you wouldn't slip up and reveal yourself as the traitor. You took a deep breath and spotted her blonde pigtails bouncing through the crowd, beside her was an exhausted Mukuro Ikusaba.

You didn't dare wave hello.

You didn't dare do anything to hurt Junkos plan... you had worked on this for years.

You set your eyes forward and stepped through the gate, not surprised when the world turned to mist.


You woke up, your head pounding and the horrible feeling of being watched overwhelmed you. You sat up and rubbed your head, taking note of the black jacket you were wearing.

The last you remembered, you were wearing a typical uniform. You stood up and looked at your outfit.

Your hair was tied into a high ponytail a black bow holding it in place, a silver chain hung around your neck and a green jewel was on the end. You had a long black jacket on, the jacket hitting your knees and the sleeves nearly enveloping your hands. Under the jacket was a white tank-top. Then you had dark black jeans and white gym shoes.

You looked down at the outfit and wondered if Junko picked it out for you.

If so it's not very... fashionable...

You stepped out into the hallway, the only sound echoing through the dimly lit corridor were your footsteps. You walked with no real destination in mind until you walked past a door labeled, 'EXIT.' You tripped over your feet and looked at the door with wide eyes.

H-huh? You thought as you felt your breath quicken, Did Junko mess up? Why would she leave this so... open? We've been planning this for years... no way... how Despair inducing...

With shaky hands you stepped forward and slowly pulled open the large metal door. Light blinded you and caused you to wince and look away.

"Ah, another one."

"W-w-w-what!? W-w-w-w-why are t-t-t-there more of y-you!"

"Lowly scum..."

You looked around the room at the people before you. 16 confused faces stared at you.

"Uh... hi. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm the Ultimate... uh..." You felt a searing pain in the back of your head. You knew that you were the Ultimate Conwoman... why couldn't you tell them? "Ultimate Hope."

"Ultimate Hope?" A girl with red eyes wearing a gothic lolita dress leaned forward and looked at you with interest, "How peculiar."

You stood up straighter and tried to stop a smile from slipping down your lips, "I suppose it is. I've spent many years of my life fighting for universal hope," you looked towards one of the cameras sitting in the corner of the vault-like room, "I understand that there is only one person I need to Hope for."

Nearby a boy with brown hair and green-ish eyes looked at you and racked his mind, trying to remember if he had seen this talent before. You looked at him and felt a sparse memory jog your mind.

Light green eyes... Junko... Mukuro... when you thought of Mukuro your eyes scanned the room searching for the elder Despair Sister. You found her, arms crossed and dressed as Junko.

After some time of meaningless introductions (you ignored everyone else talking) you heard a grainy speaker come to life.

"Attention! Attenti- is this thing on? A-hem. A-hem, AHEM. Thank you. Can all students meet in the gym? Immediately."

Unease filled the students.

Well, most of them.

Deep in your heart you felt the swirling, bubbling, mind-altering despair take root.

Word count: 840


Hey, y'all! To start off me writing more Danganronpa stuff I thought it'd be nice to put the True Queen of Despair in the spotlight. If this story takes off i'm considering doing a fanart contest?

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter and I apoligize in advance if I make some errors along the way.

And yes, this will follow the plot of the game but I might change just a few things. I haven't outlined the plot yet so I thought i'd give a warning here so you don't get attached to the story then hate how it turned out.


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