I Can't Live Without You

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Biiiig gore warning 

Smoke and ash fell onto the ground, your eyes wide wide as you stood in silence. She stood in front of you, the match dangling between her fingertips. With heavy steps you moved forward and called her name. She turned her head, a wide smile on her lips before she dropped the match.


Where am I?

"I REJECT YOUR DESPAIR!" The loud voice cut through the ringing in your ears and you blinked to see a brown haired boy pointing at you with determination in his eyes.

"Reject?! Don't you want to rule this world?" A familiar voice cackled, "Besides you don't got nothin' left!"

"That's... that's not true!" The boy yelled again, "As long as i'm here there will be something to believe in!"

"The Togami will not fall as long as I survive," a blond bespeckled boy agreed.

"I-If master says so..." a girl with long purple-ish braids spoke up.

"I can't let Sakura's sacrifice go to waste," A girl with blue eyes and brown hair spoke, wiping her eyes.

"They need a fortune teller more then ever!" A tall guy laughed.

"I will continue my familys legacy," a calm girl with purple hair spoke.

"Oh, boohoo! What a shame!" Junko fake laughed.

Wait, how did you know that name? Why was your memory so foggy? You blinked and ran a hand through your hair. 

Everything seemed so...


Where were you? Who were you?


I always envied you.


You held your head in pain and tried not to exclaim to loudly. Why were these voices speaking in your voice? 


I always envied you.

You didn't like having a knife pointed at your neck. Despite the fear inside, you just couldn't help but smile. The silver haired warrior narrowed her red eyes and softly pressed the blade into your neck.

"What have you done to Young Master?" She scowled at you.

"Whatever do you mean?" You giggled softly. The warrior pulled her hands back and prepared to stab you. You watched her with satisfaction in your eyes.

"Tell me or die here," she glared, the intensity in her eyes burning through your lies. 

"I did nothing, don't you worry a bit."

"Liar!" She began to begin the thrust of the blade, you caught her hand and smiled.

"I did nothing. My girlfriend however helped him find a new part of himself. Tell me, Peko Pekoyama, aren't you tired of lying? Of being a tool?"

She bit her lip and struggled to get out of your grasp, "Shut up," she growled.

"Oh, my! Did I strike a nerve? I'm sorry," you laughed and wrenched her wrist backwards, making her drop the blade. She gasped in pain which you took the opportunity to pin her to the ground and step on her back. 

When you saw her reaching for the blade you quickly kicked it away and smiled at your likely victory, "Peko Pekoyama, do you want to protect your liege no matter what? To keep your promise?" 

She went quiet, you leaned down slightly and whispered, "I'll take that as a yes." With one swift kick to her jaw the swordswoman had fainted. It wasn't hard to carry her to Junko and watch your beloved do her magic. Soon the swirling of success was within her as well.

"You know, Jun, i've always envied you," you spoke later when the two of you were alone.

"Why?" Junko continued pouring the two cups of wine, one for each of you.

"You're so smart, so brave. So beautiful. What i'd give to be you,"

The blonde chuckled and turned to you, handing you one glass before sitting on what used to be the Headmasters couch. 

You clinked the two glasses together and smiled as you took a small sip.

"Well, (Y/N). I couldn't of done any of this without you, if I had to do this with that dumb slut Mukuro? The plan would of failed eventually. But with you, i'm sure we can succeed."

"I will always stick by your side, Jun," you promised and rested your head on her shoulder, "Even if it costs me my death."

"I couldn't continue this if you die. Stay with me, (Y/N)."


You looked over at Junko Enoshima who had desperation hiding behind her smile. It was obvious she was out of cards to play - she was beginning to accept death. 

She turned to you, her smile finally being genuine, I love you she mouthed.

You grit your teeth and yelled in anger. You promised. You promised. Looking around the room in desperation finally you felt your heels click. With your staring emptily forward you leaned over and took off your heel, breaking off the heel and hoping it was good enough for a weapon. 

Walking unevenly, you stumbled with the broken heel in your hand watching the fear in everyones eyes. You grabbed the girl with the long braids and pulled her head back. With no aprehension in your body you stabbed the heel into her eye. She screamed in pain. You yanked it out and bashed her unconcious body against the podium, blood falling to the ground. 

"Toko!" The brown haired boy yelped. You turned to him, your body shaking, a smile on your face. 

"You tried to ruin our world... but I won't let you. Not anymore." You stalked forward and grabbed his hair and repeatedly bashed his head onto the podium until he stopped moving. 

The other four 'survivors' gasped in shock and fear. None of them knew how to respond. With a soft giggle falling from your lips you repeated the process until the only people left in the bloodfilled room was you and Junko.

"My beloved," you turned to her, blood coating your body, "Vote guilty. Use my death as the despair you need to rule this world."

She thought for a moment before walking over to you, tiptoeing over the bodies, and dragging you to her throne. She sat and made you sit on her lap, enclosing you in a tight hug which you happily recieved.

What you didn't know was her foot was moving to the execution button which she quickly hit.

The two of you were taken through all of the executions - though none of them seemed familiar to you - until the only thing left was you sitting in her lap, waving goodbye to a camera that dutifully watched, a huge smile on both of your faces.

Then the press slammed down, erasing the two most despair inducing couple of all time.

Word count: 1094

I did it I always wanted to make y/n die with Junko in the execution and i was running out of motivation for this and i needed an ending so... i rushed it. Sorry, and if I have time I might come back and tie up all the loose ends (who set the orphanage on fire, what happening during the tragedy, etc) but for now this is the end.

And for those who had to skip the gore part: everyone died. I'm not kidding y/n straight up killed all of the would be survivors. 

Anyway signing off


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