My One True Love... My One True Hope

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Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Maizono, Chihiro Fujisaki, Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Hifumi Yamada, Celestia Ludenberg, Sakura Ogami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Makoto Naegi, Toko Fukawa, Byakuya Togami, Yashuhiro Hagakure, Aoi Asahina, Mukuro Ikusaba and... Junko.

The names blurred together, the eyes filled with apprehension. The bear - Monokuma - had introduced himself and you had to hide your smile as you thought about how it was Junko in control. It was Junko who sat in the control room, finally getting the Despair she desired.

Monokuma had given out Monopads and explained the rules you and Junko had spent oh so much time reviewing.

Time had passed. Slowly the group crawled to a census of living for Hope. They had turned to you to make motivational speeches and to help move the group forward. It took so much willpower to not break character.

But a conwoman knows how to lie, and lie you will.

You were all eating breakfest and Toko was talking about how hopeless the situation was.

"Hey!" You had yelled and stood, banging you hands against the table, "Don't say this situation is hopeless! If we all work together then we can survive and get rid of this fucked up mastermind!"

"B-B-But w-w-w-w-who says w-w-we can-n all work together?"

Nothing. I'm counting on it that you don't.

"I know that we can! Cuz... Cuz we gotta! We all got into Hope's Peak, we came here to have a fantastic future! Why would we ruin it?!"

"That implies that we're going to get caught," the blonde male named Byakuya chimed in, "and while you lowly fools might I surely won't."

You didn't like being corrected. You didn't people being arrogant, "Well," you spoke with a frustrated smile flinching on your lips, "since your dumbass looks to weak to even life a chair I would assume you couldn't kill anyone. Oh, did you get strong by heaving around that bloated ego of yours? My apologies! Common sense was blocking my vision."

Someone choked on the water they were drinking. You spun on your heel and walked out of the cafeteria.

With deliberate steps you walked back to your room and slammed the door shut. After a few seconds you stripped the bed and covered all of the cameras in the rooms.

"Junko?" Your voice shook into the empty room as you sat on the bed. You looked at your hand and twiddled your thumbs, "Junko, I know you can hear me. I need you here... please. I need your plans... I need... you..." A blast of smoke covered the room and you heard a panel flip open and slam shut.

"Ahahahahahahah! Oh! Em! Gee!" You recognized the voice and as you coughed the smoke out of your lungs and smiled as you saw her. She was doing her cute-girl persona and smiled at you, a large blush donning her face, "(Y-Y-Y/N)-chan! You... you *need* me!" She switched to her teaching persona, "But that is actually incorrect. What you need is that thrilling despair." Sad persona, "B-But who am I to tell you what to do...? I'm just a Despair fangirl..."

"Junko, don't say that!" You took a step forward and grabbed her hands, "You're the true Queen of Despair! You're going to lead the world to it's pitiful demise! And I will be there every step of the way."

Junko looked between your hands and your eyes before pulling away, "Ew! No sappy stuff when I just got here!"

You laughed and sat down on the bed again, "But I love sappy stuff more then I love you~!" You winked at her. She huffed and turned around.

"Ugh! (Y/N) you're so boooring!" She turned to face you, the largest smile on her face, "Dontcha feel that Despair? Being insulted by the one person you love?"

"Oh, Junko, I feel Despair every time I look into your eyes," You breathed happily, "I just wish I could make you feel the same Despair..."

"Huh?" She turned and pulled a knife from the inside of her jacket, "You wanna make me feel Despair?" Her eyes were blank as she attempted to stab you, "Then die! Die! Die die diiiiieeee!"

You dodged the strike and pushed the two of you into a tight embrace, her lips centimeters from yours, "Not yet, Junko. Not yet," you whispered into her ear and slowly pressed a kiss onto her lips.

"Oh, (Y/N)..." She giggled, "you're... irreplaceable."

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