Our Secret Love

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You had remembered the rainy nights where you sat, a blanket loosely dropped over your shoulders, and watched the storm. How she would sit next to you and pull you close. The way you would rest your head on her shoulder, the way you could sit in silence and still feel at peace.

The thunder rolling through the sky, the pitter-patter of rain drops against the cracked window. The days before the plan could be set into action. The days where you just held her close. The days where she would fall asleep, her chest rising and falling silently. The days where you would sit on the old couch curled up with a book and she would pluck the book from your hands and made sure you got outside.

The days where laughter and bliss filled the broken rundown walls. 

The days where your clothes were colorful, not a white and black mixture. The days where you would feel the sunlight hit your skin. The days you would hold her hand as you walked in the streets. 

Those days were never going to return, weren't they?

You stood shaking in the gymnaisium, reading the scrap paper that had the words, (Y/N) is in love with a dead girl scrawled on it. Dead? No, Junko wasn't dead. Junko couldn't of been dead. You had looked at the cameras with a tearful gaze. 

You ignored Monokuma talking about the 24 hour time limit whatever, whatever. When he finished you stumbled out of the gym and hazily walked to your room. You held the paper close to your heart and didn't even bother to lock the door.

You sat on the floor and tried to hold back your tears. 

"(Y/N)?" A new voice spoke from your doorway. You looked up and saw Chihiro.

"O-Oh. Hi, Chi," you tried to muster a smile. Chihiro hesitantly walked into the room, her eyes trained onto yours.

"(Y/N), how bad is yours?" She sat next to you and lightly grabbed your hands.

"Bad," you snorted air, "really damn bad."

"O-Oh," you saw Chihiros eyes darken. You had nearly forgotten you were supposed to be their Hope - you breaking would just make them fall faster.

"W-What are you even doing over here?" You played with the paper.

"I-I... I was worried about you..." Hazel eyes fell to the floor.

"...well... thanks..." you pulled your knees up to your face, "what was yours?" 

Chihiros eyes fell, "I-I..."

"Come on, Chi. Let Hope help you," You smiled weakly.

"O-okay..." She slid you the paper that was in her pocket and you read it before sucking in a deep breath of air between your teeth.

Even though Chihiro Fujisaki is a boy, he dresses like a girl.

"Oh," you stared, "Chi..."

"I-I know..." he played with the hem of his skirt, "I know..."

"I'm happy you told me."


"Here, read mine," you handed him your paper and he looked up at you with wide eyes after reading it.

"O-Oh..." his eyes became teary, "(Y-Y/N)..."

"I know," you smiled sadly, "I know." 

"Chihiro!" Someone yelled from the hallway. You raised an eyebrow and looked at Chihiro.

"O-oh! I had asked someone to meet up with me so we could train later!" He grabbed one of the papers before running off, "B-Bye, (Y/N)!"

You waved in confusion at him as he left, shutting the door behind him. You took another look at the paper he left behind.

Even though Chihiro Fujisaki is a boy, he dresses like a girl.

You smirked at it, "Oh, Jun. I wonder what Despair this'll cause?" 




A body has been discovered! 

Word count - 590

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