quick author's note // important

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If you have ever kept up with this fanfic or happened to stumble upon it, you may have noticed the last chapter has been rewritten and slightly altered. obviously, this story was written when i was much younger and a fan lol i'm a lot older now and while reading some of this was kinda embarrassing, it's bothered me for a long time the way i just let this story die. i no longer 'ship' perrie and zayn like i did nor would i still consider myself a hardcore stan like before, but i still have a lot of love for this story. it was one of my proudest as well as my favorite story i have worked on, which is why I will be posting the chapters i never quite uploaded. some of Shadows may be rewritten, but i will be posting the chapters that were never published and finishing the story the way i intended to when i began writing this. if you choose to continue reading thank you. it feels odd for me to be trying to finish this, but i've always wanted to so i will. thank you to anyone who has ever showed love and support to this story :) x

shadows // zerrie auWhere stories live. Discover now