Chapter 1- When Will My Life Begin?

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I wake up once again in this Beautiful Hell Hole most people call a house. I love it here, I really do! It's just that it gets so lonely when it's just me, my dad, three maids, a butler and a chauffeur.

Yeah, we're pretty well off, and you may think I have everything I want. And I do. I have all the materialistic things I could ever dream of. But I don't have what I need.

I need someone to lend me a helping hand, someone who can help me with homework and understand where I'm coming from when I say I don't understand the problem. I need someone to help me go through life, to guide and care for me as I go through a shit time called my period. I need love.

I've never had any friends, since the day I was born, or at least since I was twelve. I don't remember anything from when I was eleven and below, but I just think I was young and my brain, too small, couldn't remember or process anything.

I don't care whether what I needed was a girl or boy (I'm not saying I'm a lesbian.), I'm just saying I need a companion other than three 50 year old women, a 55 year old butler and a 49 year old chauffeur.

What about my dad? Well, let's just say he's MIA most of the time.

I was never let out of the house, and even if I tried sneaking out, someone was bound to catch me.

But now, I'm turning 21, and I'm planning to ask my dad if I can leave and explore the world.

I always asked my dad about the world beyond us, but he'd always keep his answers blunt and simple. He never let me out so I wouldn't know.

I don't know what life is, honestly. I don't know what makes life so.. Live able, anyway. What is there in life that makes people want to live? Is it the fun they get from watching movies? Is it the joy they get from going to parties? Or is it the love they get from their soulmate?

I have so many questions, no one to ask. So many dreams, no one to live it with.


Dad was finally home. He was in the dining room, finishing his dinner. I was done with my dinner hours ago, so I'm in my room, trying to muster up the confidence to go and ask him. I had a script written out, for every case scenario that would happen when I'd ask my father. I had one where he'd freak out and I'd stay calm and explain, I had another script where my dad would say yes and I'd list all the reasons why my dad was the best.

I was finally gathered the courage to talk to my dad and opened my door to walk out when I came face to face with my dad.

This is it! I told myself.

"Dad, we need to talk," I said

"We need to talk, Nate," Dad said at the same time.

"Wait, what?" We both said at the same time. "You talk first!" We said at the same time again, then we burst out laughing. And believe me when I say this, this is one of the only happy moments we share.

"You go first, dad." I said nodding.

He sighed, "Nate, I'm moving to Peru."

I gasped, "What? Dad, we're moving? Forever? Dad, do you know how long it took for me to adjust to here? How am I supposed to adjust there?"

Okay, I did not expect this. I was, apparently, the one overreacting. And I have no script for this whatsoever.

"Honey, stay calm, and let me explain."

I huffed and walked back to my bed, where I sat down, waiting for an explanation, anxiously playing with the lucky necklace I wore everyday. Although, I don't exactly know where or who I got it from.

"I'm moving to Peru for my job. They moved our company to Peru for the resources there. And I believe since you're turning 21, I'll let you move out."

I gasped, "Dad-"

"I'll let you move out," he paused, "on one condition. You stay with your cousin, Anthony, in Sacramento, California."

I did not know who he was. "Who?"

"Anthony Padilla, your mother's sister's son."

Okay, now I'm lost.

"Wait, so you're letting me go, only to hand me over to someone who I don't know to keep an eye on me?"

"If you put it that way, yes. But my intentions are for you to be free, to explore the world, only under the supervision of your cousin."

"And how old is Anton?"

"First, his name is Anthony. And second, he is a few years older than you are."

Okay, this was too much to take in. I'm leaving, but I'm under watch? I'm going to be free, but still going to live with someone "supervising"? This is bull, but it will probably the best freedom I can get from my dad ever. So of course, I'm taking it.

"Dad.. A-A-Are you sure? Didn't you want me home all the time, under Ellie's, Carla's or Eliza's watch?"

Ellie, Carla and Eliza are my maids and they were always with me. Every. Second. Of. The. Day.

"I believe in you, Natalie" Natalie, by the way, is my real name. I prefer to be called Nate, though. "You are old enough to go on your own, to explore the world. And I trust you enough to take care of yourself and not get in trouble."

"Don't worry, dad. I'll take care of myslef. Thank you, for trusting me." I smiled, my mind processing that I'm actually leaving this hell hole!

My dad chuckled, started to tear up. "I'm going to miss you, Nate..." He mumbled, kissing the top of my head.

Seeing my dad cry made me cry too. "Aw dad, I'll miss you too!"

So this is when my life finally begins, eh?

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