Chapter 2- Someday My Prince Will Come

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Wow, so this is what a plane looks like. It's more than I've ever imagined! The very sweet stewardesses would greet you as you entered the plane, then you'd show them your ticket and they'd direct you to your seat! I felt very very cool! Surprisingly, my dad booked me a business class ticket. Apparently, that's where all the business men and rich people go. On the business class seats, there'd be a small television in front of it, and you had so many movies to choose from. I've only seen a few, as my dad thought I'd take movies the wrong way and only follow the bad values. So I started with the classic movies. Disney.

I started from Snow White all the way to Frozen. Yup, I watched Disney movies the whole flight no matter how restless I was. But what struck me most was Sleeping Beauty. And no, not really in a good way. I found it so fantasy cliché that Sleeping Beauty just so happened to meet her Prince Charming while dancing in a forest with a bunch of animals, and immediately fell in love with him.

Finally, we landed. In Sacramento time, it was morning. In my home time, it was midnight. I exited the plane, of course after graciously thanking the stewardesses and pilots. I went to baggage claim and got my 3 humongous suitcases, filled with all the stuff I can't just throw away.

Dad didn't give me much information about this Anthony guy. He told me to wait at Exit 7 and look him. Dad gave me a picture of him, but he looked so young here, with emo hair and all that.

I've been sitting at Exit 7 for at least 10 minutes now just looking for my cousin, and occasionally playing with the lucky necklace I have. Just now, I see this guy walk up to me. I freak out a little, and push my luggage cart further away from him and act like I saw someone I knew, just before he could approach me.

"Natalie?" Someone called out. I turned my head, searching for the owner of that voice. "Natalie McNeely?"

And, that voice belongs to the creeper.

I make eye contact with the creeper and say, "That's me,"

"Natalie? Oh thank goodness I found you!"

"You must be Anthony, then." I gave him a small smile. I put up his picture beside his face and said, "You look nothing like the Anthony in this picture," I gave him an unsure face.

He chuckled, "That's because that was my high school year book photo. I'm 25 now."

"Oh right. Sorry. Well, hi. You can call me Nate for short."

"Hi, Nate. Now let's get your luggage into the car."

He grabbed my luggage and pulled it all the way to his car, with me tailing behind, taking in the California surroundings.

Once my luggage was in the car, Anthony was about to open my door when I asked, "Wait, how do I know you're my cousin and not a rapist?"

Anthony laughed, "Your dad's name is Arthur McNeely, correct? And this is his cellphone number." He then brought his phone out and showed a number.

"That's right. Wait, my dad gave you his number?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, for YOUR safety purposes." Anthony bit his lip, trying not to laugh.

I rolled my eyes. Gosh, dad. Why do you have to be such a protective paranoid dad? I'm turning 21 in a few months and you know I can handle myself! "Whatever. Now, are we going, or what?" I snapped.

Anthony raised his hands up in defense. "Yeah, get in the car."

"You're such a rapist, Anthony." I teased, playfully rolling my eyes before getting in the car.


After maybe 1 hour in the car with my cousin, who I got to know all about, we finally arrived at the "Smosh house".

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