Chapter 12- You've Got A Friend in Me

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After the little conflict that happened right in the middle of the gift shop, Ian and I- well, you can say we were closer than ever. I helped him pick out some souvenirs for himself and Anthony, and he helped me pick out some merchandise for myself and Kalel. To make it cheesier than it already is, Ian and I even got those boyfriend-girlfriend merchandise. Cliché, I know. But, it does make me feel all warm and tingly inside!

Right after we finished shopping, Joven called us to say that World of Color was about to start. So, we practically ran through the whole California Adventure just to get to Paradise Pier.

Thankfully, when we arrived, World of Color hasn't started just yet.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Flitz stated, acknowledging our panting presences and facing the vlog camera at us.

"Where have you two been?" Joven asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"We went shopping." I rolled my eyes. "Kalel and Anthony wanted some stuff, and I realized that I hadn't bought them a wedding gift, so I got them a little thing for their house." I say, holding up one of the many shopping bags I had with me.

"...And, the rest of those shopping bags are for who?" Mari asked, eyeing the three more shopping bags in my hand.

"For me." I blushed, smiling sheepishly.

"Of course, they are." Lasercorn teased, rolling his eyes and sitting back down on the little mat they set on the ground.

We continued our little banter until finally, the lights around us dimmed, and everyone became silent.

I silently jumped around, too excited to speak. Before going to Los Angeles, I did a little research on the attractions and shows here at Disney's California Adventure. And from what over a hundred people say, this is the best show yet.

The show finally started, the lights around Mickey's Fun Wheel showed many colors, and colorful water started bursting out of the little lake of Paradise Pier.

We all watched in awe, occasionally 'Ooh'-ing and 'Aah'-ing at the magical stuff the show could offer.

I started thinking about how dreadful it would be to go home tomorrow, but I decided to let it go for now, and just enjoy the moment.

I was actually at California Adventure in the Disneyland Resort, the place I've always dreamed to go to. More importantly though, I was with the friends I loved and adored, the ones I now officially call my family, and I was with (as cheesy and sticky-sweet it sounds,) my prince charming.

It's so amazing though, how so many things can happen at such a short span of time. One minute, Ian and I were constantly insulting and hating each other, the next minute, we were holding each other tightly, incredibly in love.

Even with me, personally- I was once this innocent, shy little girl who had no clue of what the outside world was like. But now, I might as well be a woman: strong, barely afraid of anything, and (thanks to my friends,) a little immature.

So many things has happened since I moved here to California...

And I wouldn't have asked for anything better, because it's just as perfect as it can be.


I had to literally be dragged out of bed this morning. Yup, you read it correctly. Dragged. It all started when Mari's alarm clock started ringing.

"Morning, Nate." Mari groggily mumbled, sitting up from her bed and rubbing her eyes.

Being half asleep, I mumbled something incoherent before turning my back to her and placing a pillow over my head.

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