Chapter 6- I Won't Say I'm in Love

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Based on numerous social media websites, Kalel and Anthony seem to be having a blast on their honeymoon, and I was extremely jealous. I, instead of going around Sacramento and hang out with friends (wait, what friends?), was stuck here in the Smosh house. Alone, with Ian. Yay (note the sarcasm). Being stuck here with Ian is driving me insane. It's awkward and quiet, especially since the wedding incident.

Speaking of the wedding incident, people actually got concerned about me running away. Kalel departed from her and Anthony's dance just to go look for me, Jane cut an important conversation with some important people just to comfort me and so on. They asked me what happened, but I kept it blunt. I still don't want to tell any of my feelings to anyone. It will still be fucking embarrassing.

On the bright side, I started hanging out with Mari more. With Kalel on her honeymoon, I needed another girl to talk to. And who better than the Whovian I know? We actually clicked really well. We got along with each other over video games, clothes, and even personality. She introduced me to Doctor Who, too. And now, I was just as addicted as she was.

So now, I'm updated on everything. I've learned a lot over the past few months I've been here. Even with Smosh, Smosh Games and Smosh 2nd Channel videos, I was updated. They were all so crazy, funny and talented that it was hard not to look forward to a video each week. Even Ian. Though he's not the best at video games, he is definitely the most adorable in the consequences.

Did I just say that?

Okay, let's not make a big deal about that. Everyone can be adorable at times, even for people with gorgeous blue eyes and an awesome personality like Ian.

Wait, what?

What is wrong with me today? It might just be the cabin fever infecting me as we speak. I need to get out of here-

"Hey... Nat?" Ian knocked on my door, even if it was open.

I cringed and sighed, "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that insufferable name, Ian?"

Ian smiled, "Because I know you wouldn't have talked to me if I said Nate or Natalie."

I rolled my eyes and sighed again. He was right. I wouldn't have talked to him if he used Nate. "What do you want, Ian?"

"I don't know..." Ian smirked, leaning on the door frame. "What do you want?"

I rolled my eyes, mindlessly scrolling on my laptop. "To go to Disneyland." I said blankly.

"Then let's go."

I scoffed, continuing to scroll on Facebook. "Yeah, right."

"I'm being serious here, pack your bags. Our plane leaves in five hours."

Okay, now I was getting scared. "You're joking."

Ian shook his head and smiled, "We're going to Disneyland, Nate!"

I was silent and extremely shocked. I removed my laptop from my lap and walked over to where Ian was standing, by the door frame.

I awkwardly raised my arms and threw them around Ian. I then slowly leaned in and hugged him.

Ian stiffened at first, but then relaxed and placed his arms around me, too. I knew he was going to say a conceited comment, so as he opened his mouth, I told him, "Say anything, Baboon, and my knees are going to end up somewhere that is going to give you a lot of pain."

Ian then closed his mouth and just enjoyed the hug, I guess.

Ian let go of the hug, but still held my arms. "Get packed, Nate."

"How long are we staying?"

"Four days." Ian replied, then left to God knows where in the house.

Four whole days? Ian was the best.

I grinned and grabbed a suitcase from under my bed, and started throwing a bunch of things in it from my closet.


After two hours, I was ready. I was showered, changed and on the couch, waiting for Ian.

Ian came out to the living room, hair still slightly damp. Which, by the way, looked pretty hot.

Now I really needed to get out of here.

"Ready to go?" Ian asked me, dragging his suitcase.

I stood up and grabbed my suitcase along with my purse. "As ready as I'll ever be!"

"Let's go, then." Ian grinned, grabbing the house keys, but not the car keys.

"Aren't you going to get your keys?" I asked.

"I did." Ian called behind his back, waving the house keys.

"No, no, I meant your car keys. We are driving to the airport, right?"

Just as I said that, a car pulled up on the street and stopped at the Smosh house.

The window rolled open and out came Mari's face. "Hey guys! Who's ready for some Disney fun?" Mari screamed, excitedly.

"You're coming, too?" I asked, very, very delighted it wasn't just me and Ian.

"Duh! Who in the world wants to skip a trip paid by Ian?" Mari winked.

I turned to Ian, "You're paying for this?"

"Apparently." Ian jokingly rolled his eyes.

"You are too sweet." I smiled, hugging him in his side. This time, it was less awkward, but still

Okay, I really, really, really need to get out of here.

"Awww..." Mari cooed.

"Shut up, Mari!" I laughed and blushed. "Is Peter in there?"

I forgot to tell you; I met Peter a few weeks ago and he is such a sweet boyfriend of Mari!

"No, but the Crew is!" Mari exclaimed, moving aside. And inside the car was the whole Smosh Games crew: Joven, Lasercorn, Sohinki, Wes and Flitz. Though I don't know them personally, I've "met" them through Smosh Games video and through Anthony and Ian's conversations about them.

"Hey!" They all greeted, giving me and Ian a wave.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get in the car! We have candy! Nah, I’m just kidding. We’re going on our own honeymoon, bitches!" Lasercorn shouted from the backseat.

Ian and I laughed before placing our suitcases in the trunk. After this, we climbed into the car, where we were sat next to each other in the second row, along with Joven and Mari.

"I believe we've never formally met, so hi, I'm the Flitz!" Flitz said from the driver's seat.

"Hi, Flitz! Nice to meet you!" I waved to him.

"I'm the guy with Fabio hair, Wes!" Wes grinned from the passenger's seat.

"Wes, hi! I'd have to agree with Mari though, your hair is flawless!" I winked, laughing.

The whole car laughed along with me, agreeing in one way or another.

"I'm Lasercorn!" Lasercorn said from behind me. I turned around and saw Lasercorn and Sohinki in the last row of the seats.

"Hi Lasercorn! It's a pleasure to meet you!" I waved.

"Oh, no, pleasure's all mine!" Lasercorn winked.

"Pleasure aside," A hand pushed Lasercorn out of my face, "Hi, Natalie. I'm Sohinki!"

I laughed, "Nice to meet you, Sohinki!"

"And I," A voice from my left said, "Am The Jovenshire. Pleasure to be of your acquaintance."  He said  “smoothly”. Then, Joven put his arms around my shoulders.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off my Sohinki. "Joven, get your arms off of Ian's girlfriend!" He laughed.

Ian and I stiffened next to each other, and sort of shifted in our seats away from each other and started stuttering, "What? No-We-Ian-Natalie-I mean- No, we're not-"

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