Chapter 4- Night to Remember

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Anthony ended up buying the shoes, and I’ve been looking for a sneaky way to pay him back. I’ve tried everything: stealing his wallet and placing the money, asking Kalel to give it to him (she wouldn’t accept it either!), and even just trying to slip it into his pocket. Nothing worked. At all.

 My relationship with Ian has not changed. There were constant insults, teasing, and fighting. I swear, I think Anthony was getting fed up with all this. But I couldn’t help it. Ian just ticked me off way too much. Like this morning, me “complemented” me on my morning outfit: baggy pants, loose t-shirt, and a wasps’ nest for my hair.

 “Wow, Nate, you get prettier and prettier everyday!” Ian smirked from the table as he sipped coffee, or tea. Whatever was in his mug.

 I mocked a laugh, saying, “Thanks, it takes no effort to do this, so you can say it’s natural beauty!” I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, grabbing the cereal from the cabinet.

 “That’s what you get for reading all night, nerd.”

 “Hey, at least I try to improve my intellectuality by reading, and not playing mindless games on my phone, bread head!”

 “Hey, Flappy Bird is an intense game, which requires timing, skill and precise estimation! Oh wait, you wouldn’t know because you’re too busy sticking your nose in a book-“

 “GUYS!” Anthony cut in, “Can you please cut the flirting for at least five minutes to give me peace!” he said as he came out of his room, looking as terrible as I was.

 I mumbled, “We weren’t flirting…” I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my cereal.

 “Well- whatever you were doing,” Anthony rolled his eyes, “Cut. It. Out, gosh!” Anthony sighed, also grabbing the cereal box as he sat next to me. “Anyway, Ian, the…”

 I didn’t bother listening anymore, as I knew this was about Smosh, which I wasn’t exactly interested in at the moment. It’s a good thing I zoned out, too, because I received a text from Mari- the extremely kawaii girl from Smosh Games. I never exactly met her, but it’s customary for the bridesmaids to throw a bridal shower, and she was also one of Kalel’s bridesmaids. And we, along with the other girls involved in the wedding were planning a surprise bridal shower for Kalel tonight.

 Mari’s text read:

 Hey! What time are we setting up for the party?


 I replied:

 I don’t know, about 9? The boys will be heading out to shoot and they’re my only ride. Can they bring me to your place?

She replied about two minutes later:

 Sure thing! See you then!

“Anthony, I need you to bring me to Mari’s house, can you?”

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