The Party

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Tisha's house did not look like I pictured it in my head. It was surrounded by these freakish woods with jagged trees while the moon hung over us spookily. The house was large. The garage door was open and it was all lit up in there.

Inside, "One Way" was setting up their instruments and amps. Tisha was flirting with the lead singer. She had just recently gotten out of a relationship, so she must've just been looking for a good time. She rubbed her foot up and down the guy's leg. The guy pulled away smiling with hesitance in his eyes. "Yep, definitely looking for a good time."

Rose led me into the garage, only to where I got close enough to the lead singer to hear him mumble, "Yeah, definitely not a virgin." I looked at him with suspicion.

"What's up with you?" Rose asked getting in my face a bit.

"You'll never believe what I just heard out of the lead singer's mouth. Call me crazy, but as Tisha walked away from him after trying to flirt for how long, he mumbled "Yeah, definitely not a virgin." to himself.

"Your stupid." Rose said smiling. I knew she was joking, but couldn't help to wonder what that guy from the band had in mind. What was he thinking? And why does he care if Tisha is a virgin or not?

Before I could stop Rose, she went up to him and introduced herself. Blushing and talking rather quickly, she asked him if he wanted to have a couple drinks later or to go out for late night dinner. The lead singer agreed shockingly.

Something seemed very suspicious. You see, they were from New York City. Ravena, Coeymans, and Selkirk were not part of the city at all. They were all towns connected to each other and Albany was closest. New York City was a few hours away. These guys were originally from Manhattan, and they didn't seem too famous.

Rose started walking to the bathroom. I figured it was a perfect time to make my way over there. I walked over to a table and sat down. I wasn't too far from where they were setting up to perform. I could hear everything since I was only a couple feet away. A small candle was lit. The lead singer started his creepy shit again. I filled with fear at the words I heard slip out of his mouth about my best friend whom I loved like a sister. "She's "the one" dude I can tell she's a virgin."

I sat there frozen with fear.

Someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.

"Hey is everything ok?" My friend Christian asked.

"No it's not fine. I just heard these band jocks talking about Rose and if she's a virgin or not!" I whispered a bit loudly to him.

He gave me a weird look.

"Listen honey! I think you just need to let your "Party Brittney" side out for the night! Okay babygirl? Mhm, okay? Okay? That's what I thought bitch!" He joked.

I bursted out laughing.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Oh you know. I heard there was a party so I had to come."

Christian did a little cha cha dance and waltzed away.

I needed to warn Rose that we needed to get out of there. Rose came out of the bathroom and over to me. I ran a couple feet over to her.

"Britt, what's wrong? You seem tense."

"We need to leave right now."

"Um why?"

"The lead singer is crazy. He just said he can tell ur not a virgin and said something about u being "the one"."

"Honestly Brittney, I just wanna have fun." She started swaying back and forth like a palm tree.

"Can we please have fun somewhere else? Let's go to Red Lobster."

"Yo chill." Rose exclaimed. "I wanna stay for at least one song." She urged.

"So you don't believe your own best friend? I wouldn't make this up."

"Let's just stay for one song. Come on, please!" She pleaded.

"Alright guys, hope you're all having a good time. I'm Koslow Waters. This is Matty and over here on the right playing the keyboard is JuanLee. We're going to play a very special song. It's called "Shadow" I hope you like it."

Koslow...So that's his name. Such a criminal name. Reminds me of Nikolai Koslow from the movie "Abduction"." "As Rose walked up closer to them, I got a rush of terror again. Something didn't feel right. The song started playing. Koslow strummed his guitar and then started singing like a minute into the song.

"These shadows keep pulling me closer... closer to home, closer to fame, closer to missing you." That was part of the chorus. Next he sang, "As my best friend, our relationship is like a penny. Perfect like a copper color on the strawberry to my peanut butter. I can't believe we've come this far. And I remember how it used to be. We were always leaving shadows..."

Rose gripped my hand and smiled at me. She was laughing at some of the lyrics. "You're the bubby to my chubby." She said laughing out loud.

I couldn't help but to laugh with her. But little did I know that that would be the last laugh I ever had with her. Just her. Suddenly, the night grew scarier. As the band was finishing up the song, a fire started mysteriously. I couldn't even tell what caused it. Everyone started running and panicking. Parts of the ceiling started caving in as the fire crept up the wall. Down came the ceiling, crushing people and taking their innocent lives.

Everyone that didn't get crushed started running as the ceiling was still crushing a few more people. Rose and I were running as my hand was still intertwined with her's. We had to go out one of the garage windows. Never did I see a house catch on fire so quickly. It was so tragic and mysterious. It was almost as I had predicted it was going to happen. Sure enough something did happen. That.

Rose and I got out safely, but of course, Mr. Creepy had to come up to us. He asked if we were alright.

"We should go somewhere safer. You guys wanna come for a ride in the famous van of our's?"

"Ummm noooo. I have to be home. So does Rose. We have a curfew."

"I'm down let's go." Rose hollered.

Rose was kind of tipsy.

"Come on Brittneybud, let's go with them." She slurred.

"Rose no, can we please just get out of here? Let's go to a restaurant I'm starving and I want crab legs. Please?"

"Britt just shut up okay?" Koslow led her to the van and slid the door open. He pushed her in as she fell to the floor and sat. There were no backseats. Just a floor. It even looked creepy in the van. Rose looked at me, making a waving motion and urging me to come. She waited. But I stood there frozen with fear.

Koslow suddenly shut the door as I took one last look at her. I jumped from the sound but was still petrified with fear. I didn't want to move. He started to get in and put the car into neutral. I stood there, still petrified. But as they were taking off I started to run as fast as I could to try to stop him. But it was far too late as they sped into the dark woods. "Why the fucking woods?"

I ran back to Rose's car, took the keys, started it up, and I got the fuck out of there.

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