The Break Up

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School began again on a dreary, Friday morning. All throughout the school, there were sympathy posters of Brent and Blake. Another boring but yet devastating assembly was held to discuss once more of the deaths that have taken place. It seemed to be continuous. That's when everything clicked!

I thought back to last night. Rose said she ate a male! A human! What if she was the one responsible for the killings. I even noticed the pattern. All the reported murder victims were boys; including my own cousin. It made me and the rest of my family mourn over Blake. Knowing he was gone felt like an actual piece of me was missing.

Something supernatural must've been going on because there's no way it could be a human doing this. I decided to visit the occult section in the library. I texted Joey, and told him to meet me in there. A half hour went by as I was reading when he walked in. His eyes eventually located my silhouette and he gracefully walked over to me.

"What the fuck are you reading?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Occult books. So far, I've looked at three. I skimmed through the table of contents and there's a demon section and a section about sacrificing virgins to satan. I think I know what happened to Rose."

"Britt, you're sounding crazy. Are you okay?"

"I'm not crazy! She's been acting really weird! Haven't you noticed? That stuff that she threw up wasn't ordinary. It wasn't even food. It was all black and razor sharp. I could see my own reflection in it. And last night when I left your house, I almost ran her over in the road. She stood there like a statue covered in blood just like the night of the party her and I went to."

"Yeah, party I wanted to go to."

"Don't interrupt me; I'm not finished! I leave your house, almost run her over, and then I make it back home and find her in my room on my bed. She told me what they did to her. Saying they stabbed her repeatedly, saying she woke up and found her way back to me. But before she came to my house, she told me she ate a guy."

A few girls must've overhead what I said because they started looking at me as if I were a loon and started laughing and talking shit.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled.

"How bout you make us? Oh right, you can't psycho!"

"You all think you're better than everyone, but you're not. You're all still just as ordinary as the rest of us! I'm not a psycho! You can think what y'all want to think though!"

They came back with more rude comebacks, but I didn't care. I knew the truth. Joey sat in a chair next to mine and put his arm around me. Tears started welling up in my eyes as I blinked hard to stop them from revealing. "

"Babe, I think you need to get help or something. This isn't good. I've never heard you talk like this."

"No I don't need help. I know what I know and know what I saw and heard. It wasn't illusions. That band sacrificed her in deep woods far from Tisha's house. What if she's not actually herself? I don't think she is because she has a healing factor too. I'm talking Wolverine healing factor!"

"That's impossible. Only Wolverine and other creatures that are immortal can do that."

"I used to think that too, until I witnessed things I never imagined could be true."
"Baby please get help."

"No! I don't need help!" I snapped and bolted up from my seat.

I started for the door and of course, Joey followed me.

"Babe please. This isn't healthy."

I turned around and pulled him near me.

"She's the one that murder- no no no not murdered, ate Brent and Blake!" I whispered quickly with my eyes wide.

"I don't believe that. She can't be."

I pulled Joey to an area in the hall where no one currently was present.

"Well it's true. Believe it or not. I don't have exact evidence but I know she's the one that did it. She ate them! Literally, ate them! And the reason why I was screaming in a bad unusual way when we were trying to have a fun time in your room that night is because I could see blood stains dripping from the ceiling. I didn't tell you about it because I thought you'd think I was crazy. I thought the blood dropped onto my face too, but it didn't. I thought I was hallucinating, but even these books say that someone close to the person who was sacrificed, whether it's a family member or best friend, maybe even significant other, they can pick up on things and like see things that are happening that can indicate murder! She murdered my fucking cousin and Brent!"

"Babe, this is impossible! You need help! I love you and I care about you so can you please just get help?"

Joey was practically shouting now.

"No! N-O! Okay? I don't need help, for the last time."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't!"

"Fine whatever!"

Joey started storming away from me.

"We need to break up!" I blurted.

Joey stopped walking and turned around.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. It's not safe for us to be together and I don't think we should go to prom. I know you and I were looking forward to it, but I can't go. I really can't. Things are too stressful right now."

"When are you not stressed? I can't live without you, please don't leave me!"

"I have to. Just drop it and leave me alone. Please!"

"Baby no!" "I have to do this until things are safer."

I ran away as he started chasing after me. I lost him as I ran faster than I ever have in my life. He blew up my phone with texts and calls. Me being completely upset ignored them. The tears started flooding out of my eyes and I completely lost all happiness. I knew what I had to do. Mute or block him on everything. I even blocked his number.

I didn't want to ignore him or break his heart; I wanted to be with him more than anything. But I felt it was safer that way. For the both of us.

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