The Visitor

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Even though in reality that is Megan Fox, this picture is also depicting how Rose looked.

During the drive home, all I could think about was Rose. I had a really strong feeling that something was happening to her. Something evil. My stomach felt as if it was twisting inside. I felt it cramping, followed by my bowels which also cramped. I had severe irritable bowel syndrome, so stressing made my situation worse. But I couldn't control it this time.

Never had I ever been so worried about something in my life. I parked her car and went inside the house. My mom was still out with her boyfriend like always. She'd probably be gone all night. I threw my stuff to my bed and called Joey. He answered; sounding tired.

"Were you sleeping? I asked." "Yeah what's up?"

"Tisha's house burned down, there was this creepy band that took Rose in their spooky van and they were talking about her being "the one". Whatever that means, they were saying creepy shit about her being a virgin and that they can tell she is and when Tisha was flirting with them I swear I heard him say she definitely wasn't a virgin. It was like they were looking for a virgin. Like what is so important about a virgin?"

"Babe, calm down. You're ok right?"

"Yeah but I don't think Rose is. I started pacing.

"Who cares about Rose and the band, Tisha's house burned down and her and bunch of other people probably died!"

"I care Joey! She's my best friend! Did you forget that? I have to go out and try to find her."

I hung up as I started panicking more and more. I couldn't think straight. It was as if I was losing myself. My vision started to blur and before I knew it, everything went black.
I woke up a few hours later to the doorbell sounding. I was paralyzed from the neck down with fear. But I knew I had to get up.

Bringing myself up, I started for the door. I arrived, hesitating to turn the knob like in some scary movie. Slowly, I turned it. To my surprise, there was no one there. Fearing for my life, I quickly shut the door and locked it. I was in the middle of running back into my room, when suddenly a sound of footsteps caught my attention. I was in no rush to find out what it was.

To be honest. I just wanted to sleep it off. But I was far too worried to sleep. So I walked into the kitchen. I found nothing and no one. I checked every room in the house. Even closets.

"Alright if this is a prank, you can come out now."

I paused. Nothing.

"Hello? I said you can come out!"

I swore for a minute I was losing it. But the sound of water running in the kitchen caught my attention. I made my way into there to turn it off. Blood stains were present as I turned off the water. I put my hand over my mouth, knowing I had already been found. I regret turning around because what I saw was something I never imagined seeing. I let out a ginormous scream.

It was Rose. But she didn't look normal at all. I examined her from head to toe. She was covered in blood. Blood even hung from her hair and her mouth. Her hair was mangled, almost as if she had been in a fight and her clothes were covered in blood. Her nice jeans she was wearing were ripped up, blood was appearing to be gushing from her belly as a giant slash was revealed by a large rip in her shirt. Furthermore, there was another gash on one of her arms. She had an open slit on her forehead. And there was a crescent moon tatted on her neck.

"What happened?" Were the only words I could manage to get out. As the words escaped my mouth, she stayed silent. A demonic grin formed on her face. I gasped as I saw blood in her teeth!

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