The Dream

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Short chapter, but I figured this would be fun to add into the story. 🌑

The trees hung over me in the moonlight. I was standing outside for what reason? I don't know. I had no idea what time it was. I just stood there alone. Rose came from behind me and started tackling me. I screamed as she tried to bite me but I restrained her as best that I could. I punched her in the boob and kneed her straight into the vagina.

She let go of me and held herself. I ran into the woods far and wide as the night came hanging over me. Rose started chasing me. "Stop! Rose stop!" I ran until I reached a fire. "One Way" Just had to be there. Koslow was smiling at me deviously. Followed by Matty and JaunLee.

As they were all smiling I looked down and saw Rose was tied down. She started screaming and Koslow and the other members started to stab her. I started to run, but Koslow came out from the right side of a bush and got me right in the belly. I fell to my knees.

This weird feeling started going through me like the feeling u get when u jump or die in a dream. My eyes flashed open and I jumped up. Sitting up, I looked around. I was now in my room. I looked around too see if I was still dreaming. Nothing seemed off. I plopped back down and stared at the ceiling panting for what seemed like an hour. How could I have dreamt something so creepy?

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