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Ryan's P.O.V

"What do you mean she's gone?!"

"The wolves that were patrolling the border said she attacked them and crossed the border."

"What?! Alone?!" stepped Caroline so she was next to me.

"Yes Luna. They are still badly hurt but they say it happened an hour ago."

Caroline then ran to the kids' rooms to check up on them.

"Oh and Alpha-" he started.

"Ryan!" I heard Caroline shout. Why was all of this familiar?

"Thats what i wanted to tell you, the little one followed the girl." he said.

I looked at Caroline, she didn't have to say it. I knew what she was thinking, this is what happened when Austin was taken.

She started crying again. "Ryan we need to find them! I'm not losing another baby." She said crying on my chest and fisting my shirt.

"You're not. I promise."

I guess word was out about Paige and who she was. This meant that the war had begun and we had to protect her from paying for her fathers sins and in all honesty, i didn't want that. I mean yeah i didn't like her but that's just too much. I wouldn't wish it upon even her.

We mived quickly. This meant war, meaning we had to start getting a hold of family.

Amber started calling family from all around the world, letting them know that the Parkers were under attack.

I prepared the pack for war, letting them know that their future alpha is out there alone and is facing possible danger all alone.

While Caroline had the job of taking the kids to the most safest place we know...The Parker castle. We knew that it was the only place Quinton and Wynter would be safe.

She also had the job of breaking it down to her sister that her daughter was all alone and that she knows the entire truth. I do not want to be Caroline right now.

"The family is more then ready for war." Amber reported back.

I then nodded my head.

"Ryan, i hope you realise that if Paige is out there and is hurt or even killed, you won't only have Scott to deal with, but the entire Parker clan because all you have ever done ever since that little girl arrived here was make sure that she knew she was not wanted. So you better pray, for your children's sake that she is okay." She then left the room.

I then looked in the mirror that was in front of me and took a deep breath. I looked at the man who stared right back at me and i wasn't pleased. When did i become this person? The kid is only eighteen and i was treating her as if she took Katie.

I feared that what happened to Austin would happen to Katie, and that turned me into someone i didn't recognise.

Caroline packed everything for Quinton and Wynter. Emergency money, clothes and a little note that would remind them that if we died, we died for them.

I hugged my kids tightly-who looked confused and scared-before they left.

I didn't want them to leave because i didn't know if it would be the last time i would see them or not but i had to remember that there's no change without sacrifice and there's no peace without struggle.

Paige's P.O.V

"Taylor! Why are you here, are you insane?!" I asked him when i realised that he was running after me.

Paige (2/3)Where stories live. Discover now