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Taylor and i began to sprint our lungs out, no one was falling behind the other. Gun shots kept ringing in the air and we had no idea who was hunting us down.

Then fear hit me - we were out of the boarders at night and the chances of us being helped were extremely slim! Especially since i had attacked the guards on patrol. No way they'd come looking for me.

Another hundred points for fucking things up.

"Im a fucken idiot!" I thought to myself.

"No! Look we're gonna get through this okay! I have been trained for this my entire life!" said Taylor, replying to my thoughts.

It was really getting annoying at that point! Seriously. Talk about invasion of privacy.

Then suddenly, Taylor came to an abrupt stop, leaving me stunned.

"Why the hell are you stopping!? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" I asked him in an annoyed tone while frantically keeping an eye out for the shooters.

"Taylor, Gray Viper will not have an Alpha and Ryan won't have a son, another thing to hate me for! We have to make it out of this and thats not gonna happen at the rate we're going at!"

To be honest, i was worried about Taylor and his well-being, but i was more terrified of what Ryan would do to me if anything happened to his precious son.

I mean, technically it would be my fault because he followed me to make sure i was safe. If i hadn't run away, all would be well. Fuck! Ryan is gonna hold this against me forever!

"Paige shut up for a moment! Please!?  Im trying to think! Look, If these people have tracker wolves, they'll sniff us out and they'll find us soon, regardless of whether we keep running or not. We need to find a way to camouflage our scents, you know? Mislead them."

"Gosh why didn't i think of that!? Okay that's a great idea, but how do we go about doing that?" I asked.

"We need mud. Dirty smelly nasty mud."

The idea of being coverd in smelly mud made me gag, ultimately causing Taylor to smirk. Even in the most serious of situations he has a way of finding humor in everything.

"What wrong princess? You're afraid of getting your royal ass dirty? Dont tell me you've never been dirty before!" Taylor asked as the smirk on his face grew wider.

"Listen here, im more than capable of doing this, dont you dare underestimate me!"

"Alright, we need to get to a riverbank, fast! Lets move."

We began to run again, for what felt like forever until a river came into view. Taylor could feel people trailing behind us. He says they're still at a safe distance, but we didn't have much time.

We got to the riverbank and immediately Taylor started rolling in the mud near the shallow side of the river. What a pig! Well guess what. I had to join in.

We rolled and and completely submerged ourselves in mud and proceeded to get up.

"Taylor, this is disgusting! Honestly!"

"Stop being such a princess. This is a life and death situation!" Taylor said as he laughed and me hysterically.

"You done laughing?" i asked rolling my eyes. He literally said it's a life or death situation four seconds.

"Jeez, yeah im done. On a serious note though, we need to hide our chakra."

"What? What the hell is a chakra?"

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