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"You're back!" said Jason immediately engulfing me in a tight warm hug.

I vaguely return the hug, feeling how drained i actually was.

Emotionally, physically, spiritually.

He pulls away from me, his arms on my shoulders as he examines me. "Are you okay?" he asks as his green eyes shine with worry.

I nod slightly without looking at him. I knew if i did that it would give away that i was lying and in all honesty, i just didn't have the energy for his interrogation.

"I want to lie down. I'm... Tired." i tell him honestly.

He remains quiet although i could sense him wanting to say something.

I walk past him, now not caring whether or not he'll speak, making my way to our room.

I throw myself on the bed and i try to clear my head of everything that has happened, everything im bottling up. I reach for my phone and earphones and i feel myself slowly drift into sleep, the music playing softly in my ear.


I am woken up by distant chatting. I lazily open my heavy eyes and the first thing i come across is my phone and air pods on the bedside.

The chatting continues and i soon realise that its coming from within the room-it was Jason speaking on the phone outside on our balcony.

Why does he sound angry?

I slowly turn on the bed, careful not to make any movements that will catch his attention. It was then that i noted i was in one of his shirts. My favorite pair of jeans and turle neck thrown into the laundry basket.

No wonder i slept for so long, i was sleeping comfortably and drowning in his delicious scent.

Although it was now late in the afternoon-the sun almost setting-he was in his silk pajama pants without a shirt and shoes on.

He was beautifully sun-kissed and although he was frowning disapprovingly as he snapped into his phone, he still looked all the breathtaking and mouthwatering. His abs reflecting deliciously too.

"What the fuck happened?" he yells into the phone. "Clearly it was something that happened there." "Ask your wife." "Well how the fuck am i supposed to react when i walk in my room and find my mate's tear wet pillow?" "She said what?!"

I flinch at his sudden outrage.

He then turns in my direction, im guessing to check of he had woken me up. When he sees me upright on the bed amd fully awake, he thrusts his hand in his hair and turns around again momentarily.

"I hope you know she's never stepping foot there again. Tell your wife she should be glad i wasn't there. Don't ever call here again." and with that he immediately hangs up.

He walks back into the room and he stands in front of me. He takes a deep breath and he runs his hand in his hair once again.

"Who was that?" i ask in a little voice.


"Oh." and im again reminded off the the harsh words spat at me this morning by his wife.

My two minute happiness and peace was beautiful while it lasted.

"Im so sorry." he says sitting down next to me.

I say nothing. What can I say?

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to replay what happened. It hurts too much."

He then sits me on top of his lap, wrapping his arms securely around me. "You know I'm here for you baby."

One sentence. 7 words was all it took for him to completely shatter walls i have stacked so high that you couldn't see them anymore.

For the first time in my life, i cried. I felt like i was releasing everything from the bottle that was already rattling as a warning before it exploded.

Jason didnt say a word but rub my back as I cried my all insides out.


I again woke up on our bed and only, this time it was night. I look at the time on my phone and it was ten thirty.

"Awake?" he deep irresistible voice asks behind me.

"Think so." i say rubbing the sleep away from my eyes.

He then shuts down my attempt to get up from bed and rests his giant arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.

"How are you feeling?" his deep voice echoes throughout the silent room.

"Honestly, not great. But better."

"I've never seen you cry that hard. Not even when we broke up."

I chuckle involuntary. "You should start questioning the love i have for you." he doesn't day anything but i know he is smiling.

The smile disappears as quick as it came. "I don't know why i was so affected by her words."

"Because you've been through so much. Not even recently but even when you were actually still 'normal.' What she said to you... It was just the thing for you to collapse."

"I felt like I've lost everyone i have ever loved. I literally feel alone and her outburst...it just made me feel even more stranded then i already i was."

"But you have me." he says sounding a little hurt.

"I know baby. And thank you for reminding me that i do." I say turning in his arms to directly face him.

He is looking at me with those green mesmerizing eyes and for a brief moment, all we do is get lost in each other's eyes.

"I miss you Princess." he whispers, his hand at the back of my neck.

He makes a move to kiss and lick my neck and in my mind, i know it's not the right time for this but my body... Its betraying me in more ways then one.

I moan as I place my small hand on his bicep as he continues the torturous actions that heat my body up.

He then finally claims my mouth in a soft, gentle and slow manner. Automatically my hands find his soft hair as i run my hands in it. He then finds a way to get in between my legs while he turns me on my back, never breaking the kiss.

His hands find my waist and judging by the way he is holding me, he is holding back so much.

He wants to be gentle.

His hands make their way up my body, taking his shirt with them. He throws the shirt on the floor and almost immediately, his lips are all over my body kissing each and every inch of me.

"You're so beautiful Princess." he whispers in between kisses and i can form no response as my hands slowly start fisting the sheets, eyes closed.

He massages my breasts before he puts one of them in his mouth, sucking lightly while rubbing the other one. After a few minutes he does the same to the other breast while groaning sexily as he does.

Next to go are my lace panties that had stuck to me like a second skin.

I was beyond wet.

He slowly massages my clit, making sure to cover his long fingers with my juices.

This was torture.

"Jason." I barely whisper. He again kisses me and i moan into his mouth, his hand never stopping once to take a break. "Please." i beg in between the kiss.

He removes his skilled fingers and almost immediately they are replaced by his big length. I feel each and every vein on him as he slowly enters me.

He groans lowly in my ear while one hand held my hands into place and the other, fisting the sheet beneath us and pushed deeper into me.

"I really need you, I can't hold back anymore baby." he whispers in my ear panting as hard as i was.

"Then don't."


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